@Flames de Calgary

Craig Conroy après le brouillon de l’entretien

Craig Conroy après le brouillon de l’entretien



  1. backchecklund

    This is just wonderful to listen to, especially the « no 5-7 year deals » part. Kinda makes sense now they didn’t get it done with Shilly, he might not fit the future plans anymore since he’s « already » 27 and prob wanted long term. Craig is assuring that the young guns will have their spots open on the team (and the money for them) when it’s time for them to step up. Amazing

  2. marbsarebadredux

    I had no idea the draft was going to be moved to a virtual platform. I’ll be honest I’m gonna miss the spectacle of it all. That covid virtual draft just did not feel the same.

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