@Sharks de San José

Les Sharks de San Jose marquent la deuxième journée du repêchage avec Igor Chernyshov et Leo Sahlin Wallenius

Lors de la deuxième journée chargée du repêchage annuel de la Ligue nationale de hockey, les Sharks de San Jose ont ajouté plusieurs joueurs clés à leur bassin de prospects. Commencez par regarder l’attaquant Igor Chernyshov, dont plusieurs avaient prédit qu’il partirait vers la fin de la vingtaine ou le début de la vingtaine. Son ensemble de compétences est un excellent complément à ce que les Sharks ont ajouté à leurs joueurs de haut niveau comme Macklin Celebrini et Will Smith, et regardez à quoi ressemble son échéancier potentiel pour venir en Amérique du Nord. Qu’obtenaient-ils lorsque San Jose a ajouté le défenseur Leo Sahlin Wallenius à son bassin de prospects ? Voyez comment il pourrait être un gros ajout aux Sharks dans quelques saisons. Ensuite, Carson Wetsch a l’étoffe d’un favori des fans avec sa combinaison de compétences, de courage et d’intensité. Ensuite, regardez le nouveau gardien Christian Kirsch et certains des outils dont il dispose dans le filet. Avec les ajouts de Colton Roberts et de Nate Misskey, les Sharks ont ajouté deux gros défenseurs intimidants à leurs rangs. Enfin, Yaroslav Korostelyov est un joueur potentiel dans le filet alors que les Sharks cherchent à trouver leur gardien à long terme. Suivez et abonnez-vous sur toutes les plateformes de podcasts… 🎧 https://lockedonpodcasts.com/podcasts/locked-on-sharks/ Locked On NHL League-Wide: Every Team, Fantasy, Prospects & More 🎧 https://linktr.ee/LockedOnNHL #NHL #Sharks #SanJoseSharks


  1. How many prospect will be on the roster opening night? Mack, Will and Mukh seems to be locks, right? Musty and/or Halttunen?

  2. Wish we would have taken one of the top Russian goalies with our second 2nd round pick. Russia has been pumping out high end goalies.

    Other than that we absolutely killed this draft. I love my Russian forwards so I’m ecstatic we got Igor. I really liked Nikita Artamonov simply for the production he put out in the KHL for a first year draft eligible player. I’m no scout though. Getting Igor at 32 is an absolute steal.

  3. Let's gooooo JD! Watch all the time. Appreciate all your hardwork brother. Better days are coming for our Sharks. But even following the rebuild has been fun. (I'd still prefer winning)

  4. First three picks were solid. Great job by Chris and the scouting department. Hadi and Sebastian really like Igor.

  5. first 3 picks were chef's kiss. LSW didn't light my bulb. Wetsch could be something. Roberts is a no nonsense physical D who will police the front of the Shark's net well as a bottom pairing guy. the goalies were completely off the board for me (did scouting services even rank them?). guess Grier didn't like Irbe much to take a chance on Leenders? whatever, throw darts at as many Euro/Asian goalies as you want.

  6. Boston Bruins draft mostly big players too. Except Todd Marchand who plays bigger than his size. The Sharks are making good progress in these drafts. They will probably draft in the Top 5 next year. Then they can start moving up faster in the standings and challenge in the playoffs for many years. Enjoy the journey.

  7. Huge W on your question about Jumbo's role! That alone was enough of an impact at the draft. 😂
    Appreciate all your work, JD!

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