@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Quelle équipe canadienne a connu la meilleure première ronde au repêchage de la LNH 2024 ?

Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, se joint à Ryan Rishaug pour discuter des choix canadiens de première ronde du repêchage 2024 de la LNH vendredi et du moment le plus drôle du repêchage où Beckett Sennecke et tous les spectateurs ont été choqués de le voir pris par les Ducks à trois heures.


  1. Easily Montreal. Getting a player like Demidov at 5 is insane. After that the teams that passed on Buium are going to look like fools.

  2. Fellow Hab fans, we always say we got the best….we got a superstar,… future record breaker ( just look at the comments over on SN). Not one has seen him play, not one has followed his games, not one has seen him in tough action for a season. Maybe he turns out to be ok….maybe he turns out to be like Nail Yachapov or whatever his name is.

  3. Stupid video headline. Of course the team with the most picks at the high end of round 1 and 2 are going to win the draft 😂

  4. for the Habs this was a franchise changing night. name me a more talented player in the past 35- years? playing for this franchise

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