@Panthers de la Floride

Les Panthers ont apporté la Coupe Stanley à l’océan Atlantique 😂 (via flapanthersfc/IG)

Matthew Tkachuk nage dans l’océan avec le trophée de la Coupe Stanley pour célébrer le championnat des Panthers de la Floride. #nhl #stanleycup #floridapanthers


  1. Наверно это будет самое эпичное празднование.. Круче чем у Тампы и Вашингтона.

  2. I didn't know that this game was created by melanated people, are there many of them that play the game or was it just stolen from them like everything else??

  3. Please please please tell one of the players to take it to Key West and sit it on the southern most point of the United States! 🤣 The Canadians would love that!

  4. Bruins fan here: I know I’m supposed to hate this team because of what they did to us in the play offs but I was happy to see them happy 👍

  5. As a Washington Cap Fan, CONGRATULATIONS!!! KUDOS!!! It feels Good Doesn’t it?!!! Enjoy!!! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏🥰

  6. This is disgusting. The Stanley cup is something that should be revered and treated with extreme care, not dunked in salt water as a social media stunt. Very disappointing and a total lack of class from a cup winner. Wouldn't expect anything else from a Floridian goon squad though

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