@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Classe de repêchage 2024

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  1. legendary_sponge

    Lots of depth dart throws late in the draft to hopefully restock the cupboards down the line. I like getting a second next year with how empty that was for picks. Can’t hate them taking a RHD with their first pick, something they desperately needed in the pipeline. Trust in Wes Clark.

  2. Svalbard38

    I’ve never heard of a single one of these guys before the draft started so I think I’m only qualified to say that Sam McCue sounds like a Robert Service character.

  3. Gear4Vegito

    A lot of lower prospects due to a lack of high picks but decent variety amongst them. Excited as always to read up on them and see them progress. Hopefully at least 1 of them hit.

    I thought having just 1 1st, 1 4th, 3 5th & 3 7th was a very weak pool of picks but it’s even less the next two seasons…

    – 2025 Picks: 2nd, 5th, 6th & 7th
    – 2026 Picks: 1st, 3rd & 5th

  4. Nitroussoda

    Johansson needs to get to Boston pizza asap bulk that boy up

  5. ConsularCandidate

    137lbs is so low I’m almost wondering if that’s wrong? Even SDA was listed at 159 when drafted.

  6. Hockeydb has Johansson listed at 6’1″ and 159 lbs.

  7. pettster12


    I need Lahey to make the team for the memes

  8. Majority of these guys over 6ft… Big difference from the Dubas years

  9. buddachickentml

    That must be a missprint. Dubas told me the only players you could draft had to be under 6′

  10. FORTRAN1729

    Victor Johansson is 137 lbs? That is a tiny Dman!

  11. Picklepucks

    Smart using two sevenths on defenders who are nearly six and a half feet. They probably won’t see the NHL but I like this strategy in case they blossom

  12. someguy172

    Leafs getting their hands on some big D.

  13. fitchiestofbuckers

    5’11 137 ?? Did Dubas sneak this one in?? doesn’t exactly sound like a treliving pick to me.

  14. Objective_Gear_8357

    Not bad for a team that has no picks 

  15. Lunaricious

    That’s a LOT of defensemen… And hopefully they’ve got RIGHT handed shots

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