@Panthers de la Floride

« Nous sommes tous les six »

« Nous sommes tous les six »



  1. Fortenole

    I think it’s safe to say we are a hockey town

  2. Imzocrazy

    There are 6 of us…..that are staying home (I’m one of them unfortunately)

  3. pr43t0ri4n

    Let’s be real here. Most of those people didn’t know what hockey was until Game 7 ended

  4. pantr666

    Sadly only about 20,000 people were brave enough to actually show up in the rain. 😕

  5. No-Body2420

    I wanted to go until I saw how hard it is to get there and the weather didn’t help. Cheers to everyone who showed up! Y’all are way more brave than me.

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