@Jets de Winnipeg

Alfons Freij, 37e au total, repêché par les Jets de Winnipeg !!

#winnipegjets #AlfonsFreij #nhldraft2024 Les Jets de Winnipeg sélectionnent les défenseurs Alfons Freij avec le 37e choix au total !!


  1. I really don't care too much about this year's draft. Next year's draft is the one I care about the most because of how deep it is & I feel we should get as many picks in next year's draft. If Rutger wants out, hopefully we can somehow convince him to play for us this season to increase his trade value and we can maybe trade him for a top 5 pick in next year's draft?

  2. The dude can play on the right side. Not a bad plus. Again I prefer balance before I have right. Has shot the fenceman but the fact that he can switch over if needed with injuries. Pretty cool

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