@Flyers de Philadelphie

Analyse du choix de Jett Luchanko 12 heures plus tard | PHLY Sports

Lors du premier tour du repêchage de la LNH de 2024, le directeur général Danny Briere et les Flyers de Philadelphie ont surpris les fans en repêchant le rapide arrière droit Jett Luchanko au 13e rang, alors que Zeev Buium et Konta Helenius étaient toujours sur la liste. Bill, Kelly et Joe de Broad Street Hockey discutent du choix 12 heures plus tard et de la façon dont cela affectera l’avenir des Flyers. Français : Remarque : ce segment a été enregistré le samedi 29 juin. #nhl #hockey #flyers #letsgoflyers #flyershockey #nhldraft Une production du réseau ALLCITY ABONNEZ-VOUS : www.youtube.com/@PHLY_Sports TOUT CE QUI CONCERNE PHLY : SITE WEB : http://allPHLY.com/ ACHETEZ DES PRODUITS DÉRIVÉS : http://PHLYLocker.com ÉVÉNEMENTS : https://allPHLY.com/events SUIVEZ-NOUS SUR LES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX : Twitter : @PHLY_Sports Instagram : @PHLY_Sports Rejoignez-nous EN DIRECT en semaine à 13 h HNE pour nos émissions hors saison du podcast PHLY Flyers ! Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube pour ne manquer aucune émission. Vous souhaitez figurer dans la question du jour de Mailbag ? Envoyez vos questions par DM à @PHLY_Flyers sur Twitter/X – assurez-vous de suivre le compte ! Apprenez-en plus sur les espoirs du repêchage de la LNH de cette année avec la série Prospect Preview de Charlie O’Connor, diffusée tous les jours à 12 h 00 HNE sur notre chaîne YouTube. De nouveaux espoirs sont présentés chaque jour avant le repêchage ! Rendez-vous sur la playlist ici : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL41s9y86dRgyn9vOg-oo_GCHv425_aTk3 Devenez un fan inconditionnel de PHLY et accédez à du contenu premium, à notre chaîne Discord, à des réductions sur les produits dérivés et à un t-shirt gratuit ! Inscrivez-vous ici : https://allphly.com/join-diehard/


  1. Suddenly, everyone's acting like DB and his scouts have no idea or sense about hockey and judging talent and potential. At the same time, this management has accomplished so much for this team in such a short amount of time. They are the ones who have been observing those prospects' development and character all year, not us. I say we should relax, trust DB's instincts and abilities, and hope for the best.

  2. The American players are starting to become a problem. Maybe we should ship the best prospects to Russia for a year to wash away that entitlement the youth in this country seem to have acquired. ***Nothing against Russia, it’s a compliment-they’re some no nonsense tough bastards over there!

  3. There was talk during the playoffs, and I can’t remember the analyst, about every competitive team having a big defenseman who can play big minutes. Flyers are in the market for that and will address it in free agency since they couldn’t in the first round of this draft.

  4. Can we all admit this isn’t a rebuild? This is not a bad pick, but it’s the player you get when you don’t draft in the top 5 or top 10. I said all through last season that they are not rebuilding, they are retooling. They are fooling us all by using the R word.

    When you rebuild, you turnover the roster and you accumulate top 10 picks for a few years. That’s not what the Flyers are doing. The nucleus of this team is made up of Hextall/Fletcher guys (even some Holmgren guys). Briere has made one big trade and thats it. This is a retool, not a rebuild!

  5. I was really disappointed they didn't draft Buium but I understand they had reservations about his size, the college and agent factor could've been the reason he dropped in the first place.

    Jett's skating, age, progression throughout the season, work ethic and when you watch his post draft interview you can tell why the Flyers loved him. I'm excited to see him progress.

  6. "You don't have a crystal ball. You can't look at a kid and predict his future any more than I can. I've sat at those tables and listened to you tell those parents "When I know, I know. And when it comes to your son. I know." And you don't. You don't."

  7. Should've drafted Eiserman and bet on his upside as a goal scorer instead of taking a role player.

  8. We needed Centers. We dont need D, plus he cant skate. You’re catering to the ignorant, this channel will die if all you do is act like talk radio. You’re not stars, you parrot the negative, grow up!!

  9. Fck that I do NOT want any players that have the same agent as Quitter so I agree with Danny!!! The only thing I did not like about the Luchenko trade is NOT the fact tjhey passed on Helenius who I personally wanted BUT is because the could have traded down from #12/#13 to get him OR could have traded up from #32 to get him thereby attaining Luchenko at a better value!!! It is NOT because I wanted another player!!!

    Similarly,, if I were a Ducks fan, I would be livid with the Senneke pick NOT bc I liked someone else but because if you study the mocks you can feel relatively confident to tarde down a few picks and thereby gain great value and get Senneke AND attain tremendous assets along the way!!! This is why I was upset at the Luchenko pick there!!!

  10. Emotionally reactive fans: “reach” “Danny blew it” “Jett’s a bad pick”

    Those same fans after watching one highlight video: “okay I was wrong”

    Maybe just do your research before you react everyone

  11. We don’t really know what Matvei Michkov is gonna do when he comes. The fans problem is that the Flyers struggle drafting prospects good enough to lift this team up to be a contender and we are tired of this team being irrelevant. Drafting Jett Luchanko at 13 when nobody thought he should go there just scares the fans into thinking same ol same ol

  12. It’s concerning bc Jett wasn’t in the top 15 of any mock draft I saw leading up 😂

  13. They obviously know more about projecting players than any of us, and this front office has bought enough trust with me for this pick. I’m happy they had the balls to go with their guy and not the consensus pick if they didn’t like it

  14. change the rules so college kids can't just refuse to sign and then sign wherever they want too. no other drafted prospects can do that. so why a special rule for college kids?

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