@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Ils ont juste CHOQUÉ tout le monde…

Nick Gosse et Darius Domingues expliquent comment les Maple Leafs de Toronto ont surpris tout le monde en obtenant un excellent choix au repêchage et discutent de l’impact que cela pourrait avoir sur les Leafs à l’avenir. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EUKCfhWZLk0dX4XxQaZIA/join


  1. For a GM who inherited a shit show having to wade through the smouldering wreckage left in Kyle "Temper Tantrum" Dubas' wake!!

    What does a "stinkatorium" aka washroom and Kyle Dubas have in common?
    The Leafs trusted Dubas with a multi million dollar budget and future assets.

    He entered the building and took care of "business" and by the time he was done, all that money and all that future had been flushed down the crapper leaving only the stench of incompetence and failure in his wake!!

    For the love of everything sacred and precious someone PLEASE OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS AND TURN ON ALL THE FANS! PEEEEEEE HUGH!!

    The sad sack state of Shitsberg was so very predictable. That's what you get for tampering Shitsberg!! Bwaaaaaaa hahahahahahahaaa!!!!

    Jack ~'()'~

  2. Kid looks like hes in his mid 20s…hopefully he can bring how mature he looks to the ice soon

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