@Blue Jackets de Columbus

[Portzline] J’ai dit que #CBJ placerait le D Adam Boqvist en dérogation plus tard dans la journée. S’il obtient son accord, les Blue Jackets rachèteront la dernière année de son contrat.

[Portzline] On m’a dit que #CBJ mettrait le défenseur Adam Boqvist sur la liste de renonciation plus tard dans la journée. S’il est libéré, les Blue Jackets rachèteront la dernière année de son contrat.



  1. WakTakDak

    Yikes, we can’t get anything for a 22(?) year old former lottery pick?

  2. Seattlekrakenlegend

    He was told 2 summers ago to gain weight, instead came back and had lost weight and said “I feel stronger though” and hasn’t done much to try to remedy this. I’m good with this.

  3. Zippos777

    I can’t believe we can’t find someone that would want him!!

  4. JunesDepartmentStore

    533k each of the next two seasons (he was supposed to make 3.2mil this year)

  5. Whoa, I wasn’t expecting this. Waddell isn’t fucking around.

  6. BigRig432

    Jiricek welcome to being a full time NHLer

  7. Articmnokey

    Didn’t he score 20 goals a season or 2 ago? Surprised we don’t get anything for him. Wonder if he gets snapped up by the canes, since they’re letting Burns go and need a pp1 guy. I think he’d thrive there

  8. DoubleDumpsterFire

    I guess if he’s never gonna stay healthy what can you do…but damn he was decent offensively. This kinda stinks. Don clearly wants to be a bigger team.

  9. mickeyhause

    He’s missed more games than he’s played in. This is a necessary move

  10. sergei-boobtitsky

    Can we retire 27? Not for anyone in particular, just to get it out of circulation

  11. redditistreason

    Waddell wasn’t lying about the body count.

    Step by step, we’re finally getting somewhere.

  12. bjlight1988

    This is another one of those mediocre post-hype guys we need to be okay with moving on from. Best of luck.

  13. uncleiroh19

    Flames fans are incredibly interested, especially because we are likely to lose Kylington

  14. EverlastingEvening

    Not really surprising. Wouldn’t be surprised if he is back in Sweden or has to retire early in a few years. The kid has just had way too many injuries

  15. Kenjataimuz

    Seems like a waste on paper, however if Waddell is doing his due diligence and Boqvist is still doey and not working on his strength then this is exactly the right type of move they need to make. I imagine Tex was a similar situation. No time for guys who aren’t being pro’s about their fitness during the offseason. Be interested to see how KJ’s off-season is going and if he’s still on the roster come opening night for similar reasons.

  16. Green9510

    This one I am shocked on…I thought for sure someone would take a late pick flyer on the kid. Oh well it’s a 1/3 buyout and I already expected the 3 amigos (bean/boqvist/peeke) wouldn’t see July 1st here and I’m sure bean is awaiting execution in the next few hours

  17. tribucks

    Addition by subtraction. Do the same with Bean.

    What I don’t fully understand is not qualifying Nylander at such a cheap number. He hasn’t given enough of a sample size to claim he’s broken through yet, but he’s rarely been healthy in his career so he’s not really had the chance. Why not keep him?

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