@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Johnston] Max Domi signe une prolongation de contrat de quatre ans avec les Leafs pour un montant de 3,75 millions de dollars. De longues négociations se terminent par un accord avantageux pour les deux parties.

[Johnston] Max Domi signe une prolongation de contrat de quatre ans avec les Leafs pour un montant de 3,75 millions de dollars. De longues négociations se terminent par un accord avantageux pour les deux parties.



  1. RattledRed

    This is a great deal. Glad we keep Domi!!!

  2. DrinkMoreBrews

    That’s a really nice deal for both sides. Good work Tre!

  3. Solace2010

    Man I like this deal. Can play centre or wing. Played well in place of Mathews and on his wing.

  4. baylaust

    Great deal, no complaints.

    I was kinda back and forth on him, but when Marner got hurt and Domi was promoted to first line, I think he earned his spot on the team going forward. He just seems to fit in really well with this team.

    Now if we can secure something similar for Bertuzzi that’d be great, but I’m less certain of that.

  5. TheCarrier89

    Perfect deal. If Dubas was handling this negotiation he would have gotten like 7 mil AAV.

  6. NSA_Wade_Wilson

    Let’s go! Domi taking a discount!

  7. whatlineisitanyway

    Awesome. Can we get Bert to sign the same deal now?

  8. ianchandler3

    He finally has some security. After his ELC, he only had 1 or 2 yr contracts

  9. sitonmy_ace

    Might have to buy a domi jersey now!!! Let’s go!!!!

  10. So this is what it looks like when a player doesn’t try to squeeze every penny out of the leafs. Good deal

  11. LtColumbo93

    Good deal. At this point I would personally close the door on a Bert reunion and instead see what’s out there in July 1. With Marner most likely staying and now Domi staying, bringing Bert back would set the forwards as the same as last year and I think it would be nice to just have a bit of a different mix. 

  12. GooseRider960


  13. ProgramFrequent6947

    Buying a Domi jersey as we speak 🙏

  14. CancerFreeLeafs

    4×4 plus a hometown discount.

    Hope he retires a leaf.

  15. wageslave_999999999

    Charlie Coyle making $5,250,000 to 2025-26 (age 34 at the end), Max Domi making $3,750,000 to 2027-28 (age 33 at the end). Great deal.

  16. SL33MANS

    Honestly this is fantastic. Domi is such a great locker room player and he plays hard and with heart. Great playoff player and will help lead the charge. Very happy. I know it’s a bit more divisive but I want Bert back too (for the right avv of course).

  17. Bboy1045

    Guy was a fighter against Boston. Glad we got a great deal for both sides.

  18. Silent-Obligation-49

    Great signing. If you guys have not seen it check out what Domi posted on X.

  19. EndTheFed69

    Can’t understate how refreshing it is to see a player claim to love this team and actually take a discount

  20. Big_Albatross_3050

    He’ll yeah, Domi earned it and good on Brad getting the AAV down below 4

  21. JohnYCanuckEsq

    Treliving has ALWAYS been great at resigning existing players to good contracts.

    It’s the FA signings he’s been fleeced on.

  22. pikachuda6

    If Marner really loves to stay in T.O he would accept $9.5M AAV or he needs to GTFO.

  23. OkabesRazor

    I mean this is about what he’s worth. A little longer contract than I’d personally give him. Let’s hope he can start filling the net a bit more next year.

  24. StevieBlunder44

    Great news!

    Max was my favourite Leaf this year, so much heart. He brings a lot of what we’ve lacked for so long.

    Also this always felt like his destiny.

  25. Tight_Data6921

    3.75M AAV 4 years is a steal. Domi makes Marner look like a Post Season Overpaid SUCK… Domi should take A from Marner.. How does Marner show Leadership ?!?

    DOMI DOMI DOMI !! Will he now claim 28 ?!

  26. DontToewsM3Bro

    Hopefully he can score a lot more

    9 goals in the regular season and only 1 in the playoffs

    Leafs desperately need more secondary scoring

  27. He will make up the difference in endorsement deals with dear old Dad! Good deal for all.

  28. xtzferocity

    That’s a great deal! Versatile player good value.

  29. Hoardzunit

    That contract is peanuts to what he’s going to be making with endorsements in Toronto for the next 4 years. Especially as a hometown boy, that took a discount and wants to play here. He’s going to be mega popular and that’s going to skyrocket his value in endorsements.

  30. BrainOfJim

    Great deal. I couldn’t be happier to have four more years of Domi, in blue and white, where he belongs.

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