@Sabres de Buffalo

Je n’ai jamais vu quelqu’un souffrir autant que Lance Lysowski en écoutant le point de vue de Mike Harrington sur Jeff Skinner.

Je n’ai jamais vu personne souffrir autant que Lance Lysowski en écoutant Mike Harrington parler de Jeff Skinner.



  1. welp Skinner ‘25 Conn Smythe pretty much locked up now.


    I couldn’t watch past “a lot of that is on Jeff Skinner”

    How can this person be employed in a role where he interacts with your team’s players? He’s poison.

  3. Sarcastik_Moose

    Skinner wasn’t without his faults but to blame him as the primary reason for every NHL team he was on never making the playoffs is such a ridiculous take that shows not only a lack of understanding of hockey but team sports in general that I’m amazed that anyone who makes a living reporting on hockey or any other team sport would say it out loud.

    Could Skinner’s play style contribute to a difficult season? Sure. But teams win and lose as a group and to say that « a lot of that is on Jeff Skinner » as if he carries some magic curse with him is absolute nonsense.

  4. sabresfan8391

    My ears were bleeding the second he opened his mouth. I cannot stand him, I had to stop the video because I knew his take would be terrible.

  5. OpabiniaGlasses

    Ryan O’Reilly wasn’t a winning player.

    Jack Eichel wasn’t a winning player.

    Sam Reinhart wasn’t a winning player.

  6. itsMikeShanks

    Did Krueger hire this fucking moron to say this? Seriously?? Jeff Skinner hasn’t made the playoffs solely because he’s not a winning player. Yeah man, not like it takes an entire team to make the playoffs regardless of what team you’re on

    What a fucking moron

    I cannot wait for Skinner to win the Cup next year after he scores 40 in the regular season

  7. stickscall

    Dude, Lance Lysowski is giving like, SNL-level physical reaction comedy here. Do you think he’s mugging?

  8. TheDannyBoyCane

    Mike Harrington is a fucking loser my god.

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