@Ligue nationale de hockey

RUPTURE : Les Oilers rachètent Jack Campbell

BREAKING : Les Oilers rachètent Jack Campbell



  1. They were hoping for soup chants in oil country with him, but instead they got Kevin spilling the chili

  2. Top-Salamander7133

    So they gonna pay him like 2.5 million for the next decade? Ouch

  3. Longjumping-Limit827

    Buddy hit the canned soup lottery

  4. Congrats to the Campbell family for leaving Edmonton

  5. Jimmy_October

    Could be the nicest guy in hockey. I hope things turn around for him

  6. Even_Section5620

    Getting paid and not playing, nice Campbell

  7. atodd8720

    This dudes been passed around like a hot potato for like 3 years now.

  8. The_Comic_Collector

    Everyone sitting here wondering why nurse and trouba haven’t been bought out

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