@Golden Knights de Vegas

Après avoir vu une partie du défilé des Panthers

Cela me rappelle à quel point ce jour-là était vraiment spécial de voir autant de gens faire la queue au LVB. Vegas n’a pas déçu. Oserais-je dire que nous avons fait mieux ? ☺️



  1. Unless they had Karlsson giving a Day Fucking One level speech, their parade isn’t going to be in the same league as ours. However, Tkachuk is taking shots at Edmonton in his speech, so credit where credit is due.

  2. Waffeln_Remix

    I feel a weird kind of camaraderie with the Panthers. Other fans were trying to shit on our parade and were looking up population stats and shit for gatekeeping purposes. The same strategies are being employed today against the Panthers.

  3. friskyjude

    I’m not gonna give them shit. People said the exact same thing about us. Parade was too small, building was too quiet when we won, etc. It’s all just sour grapes.

    And to defend them, it was pissing rain and there were lightning strikes. They were debating canceling it until the last minute. And there were still a lot of people at the rally at the end.

  4. SnooDucks2626

    To be fair, more than half the people in this picture are tourists and don’t give a fuck

  5. frickthebreh

    Why are we comparing parades? We’re not gate keeping Oilers fans…

    Super happy for Florida and glad they’re partying it up while rubbing it in Edmonton’s face.

  6. SnooDucks2626

    They do a parade on the strip…you mean to tell me more than half the people on the strip are locals? If I was on vacation in Vegas I would attend the parade too no tie to the team but right place right time.

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