@Avalanche du Colorado

Pour ceux qui espèrent que nous ferons des signatures significatives demain

En plus de Drouin



  1. HoodPhones

    Drouin and depth pls. Maybe like a Barabanov cheap, De Haan type guys, etc

  2. Canadian__Ninja

    All I care about is not getting noticeably worse. I don’t want or expect the team to make some huge splash, unless it’s a trade (and I still highly doubt that)

  3. frostbritt

    Having 13+ million tied up in 2 guys who might not play for us again really seems like an unfathomably bad situation for a contending team that needs to make good use of the cap… I think we just gotta find any guy who’s in the situation Drouin was last year, and hope our own league min guys can step up? 

  4. ShenaniganCity

    Just get Drouin done. He needs to stay.

  5. Casey Middlestadt is essentially the big move they’ve already made for the off-season. The remainder of the moves will be determined by the depth. I think they’ll resign Drouin soon tho.

  6. Vivid_Walk_1405

    Hoping Drouin is signed that’s all

  7. RooseveltsRevenge

    It seems up to Drouin if he wants to cash in fully or take a reduced payout to stay in a situation that’s been good for him. If it does happen don’t be shocked to see an absurd term given to keep AAV down.

    I know this is gonna be unbelievable to people but I think the Landeskog contract is more problematic than the Nuke contract. We all know Nuke can play, if he can get his head out of his ass he’s a super valuable player on a very reasonable contract (especially as the cap goes up.)

    My biggest fear with Landeskog is we end up staying in this “is he coming back, is he not” purgatory for most of next season so we can’t use his cap hit, only for him to come back unable to return to a top 6 role while on a top line salary.

  8. IChurnToBurn

    Only way to sign Drouin is to trade Colton. And there is no obvious replacement for Colton. It is what it is.

  9. Julien brisebois

    As the Seymour skinner meme


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