@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Seravalli] Sans surprise, les Flyers n’émettront pas d’offre qualificative à Carter Hart avant la date limite d’aujourd’hui à 17 heures pour conserver ses droits.

[Seravalli] Ce n’est pas une surprise, mais les Flyers n’émettent pas d’offre qualificative à Carter Hart avant la date limite d’aujourd’hui à 17 heures pour conserver ses droits.



  1. nittygritty84

    Breathing a sigh of relief that this league/sport isn’t as awful as I sometimes worry it is. Well done, front office.

  2. Latenighttaco

    Good would have been a mistake from all sides

  3. Narrow_Book_42069

    Hell yeah content.

    Good fucking riddance.

    And fuck you if you are one of those nutass dickheads who still defend him.

  4. AngledLuffa

    I could see it going both ways. There’s a lot of evidence against him, but it’s still innocent until proven guilty, and like it or not a starting quality goalie is a valuable asset if he winds up not being convicted. Still, I personally am happier being a supporter of a team that doesn’t stick by apparent rapists, even if that means sometimes missing out on future players if they return to the league.

  5. TwoForHawat

    Good riddance. Hope he never plays in the league again, but if he does, I’m glad it isn’t for us.

  6. rogue1351

    Should have offered him a contract if there’s even a 1% chance he’s found innocent

  7. Perryplat199

    Danny Briere likability stock is rising exponentially

  8. The right move. But also… shame on the league for not giving more guidance or letting teams retain their rights until a verdict is made.

  9. MikeMacBlu

    What a damn shame, we waited for years for a goalie of his caliber, and it all ends in this terrible awful way.

  10. EmoGothPunk

    It sucks, but it’s the right decision. I’d love to have Carter’s talent in net, but not after what he allegedly did.

  11. Flyers7914

    Wild the teams waited for a year for any sorta direction & the best the NHL could come up with was… Yah it’s up to y’all to sign them or not. Like what the heck is that.

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