@Rangers de New York

[Larry Brooks] Kane continue de peser le pour et le contre

L’analyse percutante que nous attendons tous de Brooks đŸ€Ł



  1. Smh. This is exactly what we need a 1 dimensional player who is old, slow and doesnt contribute on 5v5. Def the player to fill what killed us in the playoffs

  2. Signal_Wall_8445

    So, are we going to take Trochek off of the power play?

  3. TreeFugger69420

    With the Trouba debacle in full debacle mode and the only names rumored to come here are 34 and older, I’m officially worried

  4. This sub is gonna be angry no matter who we sign lol, not a single consensus of who to get here

  5. matt091282

    Detroit is also going hard to try to bring him back. It should be interesting on Monday. Perhaps whoever lands Kane, Stamkos winds up going to whomever doesn’t get him.

  6. ccafferata473


  7. Wouldn’t mind Kane but it better not be for more than 2 years. He definitely had a good production season last year but also shot a really high % and his points could’ve been a little inflated. But he didn’t have a full offseason and training camp and kind of jumped right in so there is that. He’s not really a play driver anymore either so I don’t think he’s the solution for Mikas line but more so a good complimentary piece for a line. Not too concerned with the lack of physicality of the player can consistently contribute and be a positive impact. I don’t think we need to get stronger we just need to replace our negative players with positive players.

  8. PaulMarnersFurHat

    I would much much much rather Kane than Stamkos that’s for sure

  9. with all the FAs and guys who aren’t being tendered contracts, there are so many better and cheaper players available, idk why we’re still on this

    different position but Ottawa just let Brannstrom walk for nothing, whose underlying metrics are so good and if there was going to be another guy taking the Forsling path to NHL success, it could very well be him. but absolutely zero rumblings about NYR being interested, who need a defenseman, because of course not, because Brannstrom small

    I was told Glen Sather retired. meanwhile, given every name tied to NYR so far, it seems that he has not

    the Kings announced that they’re not qualifying Blake Lizotte. NYR would be way better off bringing him in for the bottom 6 and getting top 6 help elsewhere

  10. SalivatingPony

    So many people want Igor to take a discount to build a competitive roster. Meanwhile our front office spends that money on guys like Kane.

  11. dsmithcc

    Yea, lets go get the guy that didnt work out here a few seasons ago….very intelligent, Kane isnt the answer for this team than and he isnt now.

  12. Rangbang

    If he signs and we get Patrick *Showtime* Kane, fantastic! If we get Patrick *Once upon a time* Kane, not ideal at all.

  13. Cool-Passenger-2595

    Kane can weigh his options somewhere else

  14. jkman61494

    Please seek refuse elsewhere. Why bring back a failed experiment ?

  15. all_no_pALL


    Larry all hopped up on snake juice and tweeting

  16. FoghornLeghorn999

    Kane and Stamkos are the exact signings that the Rangers would make.

    The same people as always will say why it’s bad.

    They’ll find their way into the playoffs, but will not be good enough to overcome the no shows and aging players on the wrong side of 30.

    The whole year people will call naysayers doomers and say « they have 105 points, what do you want?! »

    Then they get bounced and next year is our year.

    You are here: We get tied to big names in free agency.

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