@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Des détails intéressants de Corey. On dirait que c’est la faute de Jake

Détails intéressants de Corey. On dirait que c’est sur Jake



  1. Extra-Sea2167

    everyone crapping on the front office when it looking like it was on jake

  2. QuiGonJinnNJuice

    Yeah. We waited several weeks to meet his ask probably hoping he’d blink and give more of a discount. and by that time there started to be more noise about options and maybe didn’t love the hardball (there were also threats of trading his rights a few weeks ago maybe in an effort to make him crack to get the 8 years)

  3. anivoflean

    was just about to post this. this isn’t on the FO, jake played us.

  4. CasTimber

    Could we get literally any other image attached to this post 😭

  5. XJudgeBootyX

    Honestly not surprised. Tampa offers more money. Vancouver is a better experience. (Tampa could be more fun too never been) He has options and the only way we win is if we give him a boatload more money.

    Upset fans…. Would you not do the same in his boat?

  6. mindseyecoil

    Looks like Jake’s getting booed when he returns to PNC.

  7. connor8383

    Jake the Snake.

    And we had people in here defending him and shitting on our FO just hours ago.

    Fuck him.

  8. Thecowboywilson1994

    Honestly, Good on Tulsky and the crew for getting at least a little something out of it. 
    Jake won’t meet the same kind of wrath from me as Marchand or Haula, but I sort of thought he was a different kind of dude than this. We met his ask, he said nevermind. Not a great look.

  9. socialaxolotl

    The guy wants to be wined and dined as a free agent and make the choice for top dollar, I doubt he even signs with Tampa before tomorrow

    The saving grace is that we weren’t able to move Necas for that number 4 pick or whatever Buffalo was offering

  10. Positive-Step-2522

    This pisses me off. That’s all. That’s the post.

  11. H_Man247

    Not surprised at all. He never wanted to sign here, he only ever intended on using our offer as a bargaining chip to drive up his value. See ya

  12. JKthePolishGhost

    The late-draft notice that he wasn’t signing is a dick move but the FO could have done this deal a week ago. They negotiated until Jake was hearing that other places were rearranging their caps to compete for him. If I were him I’d still take it to FA to see what is out there.

    I don’t think this is fully on Jake, I think the timing is an asshole thing to do. I will still boo him.

  13. charcuteriebroad

    Chad LaRose was the superior 59 all along.

  14. League really needs to crack down on tampering. I imagine why thats why Tampa sent the Canes a 3rd as compensation.

  15. Honestly makes me lose a bit of respect for him. Expected it to be a rental initially, but he fit in well and seemed to like the culture/team and them back at him. If he had an ask and we met him there why refuse? Just seems like a kind of shitty thing to do. No one would blame him if he wanted to test FA no matter what, so just say that and don’t string along.

  16. millard_spillmore

    Go ahead and downvote me to oblivion but it seems like darn near every negotiation this team has done in recent years (see: Rod, Tarasenko, Guentzel, etc.) comes off as dysfunctional. If it happens once or twice, sure maybe it’s dumb luck, but after a while it’s a pattern.

    Much like the person who claims that *every* ex that they have is crazy, maybe it’s you, not them at some point.

  17. larsnelson76

    Maybe, Jake said to management that he was going to test free agency no matter what and let them know so that management could trade him for something instead of losing him for nothing.

    Jake should have 5 teams at least offering him great deals

  18. BillMilton26

    Rod showed him the off season training program he wants him on and he got scared

  19. TP_B1NGO

    Jake played with us in Pittsburgh too with his next contract which is a big part of why he was traded to Carolina in the first place.

  20. goddamm_liter_cola

    I think his intention was to test the market from the jump, as is his right. The fact that it’s been narrowed so much before July 1 is what it is. Would have been great to keep him, but this is far from a death blow. It all comes down to what happens starting tomorrow.

  21. packpride85

    You all are absurd if you think his agent had any intention of him missing out on free agency as the number 1 UFA lol. Wow.

  22. Quiet_Customer_26

    It will be VERY interesting to see the crowd whenever Jake plays a game at PNC again. I don’t think it will be a happy moment.

  23. armadachamp

    Am I missing something? This doesn’t really change my mind on anything.

    This doesn’t say how far apart the two sides were at any point over the last month and a half. For example, if the previous ask was 8×8.25 and he just now came down to 8, then I’d still be mad at the front office for haggling long enough for Tampa to swoop in.

    This doesn’t say Guentzel agreed in principle to anything before backing out. If he said he’d consider 8×8 but needed time to think about it, then decided that wasn’t enough to sign, I’m not gonna be mad at him for considering our best offer for one more day after negotiations seemingly went nowhere for over a month.

    Everybody knew there would be other suitors, including playoff teams in attractive cities that would probably be willing to overpay. It was always a possibility that Tampa would prioritize him over Stamkos, and the only way to avoid this situation was to work out a number we could live with as early as possible. It’s possible, maybe even likely that there was tampering, but this doesn’t prove that.

  24. n0rea11y

    Why isn’t it also on management when we continuously « get played? » We routinely work ourselves into positions where the agents and players have leverage and question why us? Extend players during the season or trade them, do not sign rentals without extensions (or accept they will leave), and when you want a player via trade be aggressive and put a time limit on the offer.

  25. Responsible-chatter

    Jake did his thing for us. Hopefully it wasn’t an issue of our front office not paying him, but his agent using canes for Jake to get more money. Forever appreciative of what he did for us and I really hope it wasn’t a situation where he’d have stayed if we just gave him wat he wanted (8×8)

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