@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Regarder JBB restructurer nos premières lignes tout en gardant Stamkos dans les limbes.

Regarder JBB restructurer nos meilleures lignes tout en gardant Stamkos dans les limbes.



  1. Wayf4rer

    He’s not in limbo. JBB told Stamkos this is what we can give you, and if you’d like to test UFA good luck. The lack of 5v5 play last year clearly hurt his case for staying and as such JBB put a cap on what he was willing to give to a soon to be 35 year old. It sucks, but it is what it is. Winning is more important than legacies.

  2. InkedInspector

    Have you considered that he could be willing to circle back to Stamkos once he secures Jake/other targets to see what he has left in the cap? Why are we all so opposed to the GM looking to and considering the future of the team?

  3. 322vette

    Appreciate JBB recognizing that the downward trend that this team has been on the last 2 years wasn’t gonna just turn the other way by simply running it back.

    Still needs to fire Blashill, see what he can do to rid the team of Sheary and Cernak, and perhaps even see if he and Stamkos can hit the sweet spot.

  4. Someone tell me what’s going on. Is stammer heading to Motown ?

  5. RiseOfTheCanes

    Popular opinion or not if you put resigning a player, any player, our greatest player ever, over the long term success of the team I offer you the door.

  6. Stamkosisinjured

    If we keep both. I’d see Guentzel taking Paul’s pp1 spot. Both lefties.

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