@Sabres de Buffalo

[Buffalo Sabres] Nous avons racheté le reste du contrat de Jeff Skinner

[Buffalo Sabres] Nous avons racheté le reste du contrat de Jeff Skinner



  1. PrinciplesRK

    Officially official. So long Jeff. I will miss between 2 stalls and your role in the best worst quote of all time.

  2. clumzazael

    Not a Lindy player.

    Doesn’t mean it doesn’t break my heart in two

  3. Pretty_Good_At_IRL

    If they don’t spend this money this year, total joke. 

  4. The-Real-Larry

    Skinner’s gonna go to the Rangers or Toronto or somewhere and win a Cup. It’s the ROR, Eichel, Reinhart route to success.

    At the very least, he’s gonna get a hatty against the Sabres this season.

  5. Straight_Landscape37

    Good luck in the future Skinner 🫡

  6. Rockhardwood

    Hopefully this means we finish the offseason with less than 8 million in cap space, so this move offers benefit and not just a longer term hindrance compared to waiting a year. Any idea how Adams spends probably 15 million after RFA’s?

  7. Terrible_Marionberry

    Go win the cup Jeff!

    And Adams better be putting this cap space to good use during FA this year.

  8. SayNoToAids

    Damn, that Pegula is a mother fucking cheapskate playing Diggs and Skinner to play against them

  9. OpabiniaGlasses

    Good guy Jeff Skinner:

    * Waived his full no-move to come to Buffalo, the original Guy Who Wants To Be Here^^(TM) .

    * Got demoted for no reason after scoring 40 goals and was forced to play with the likes of Vlad Sobotka, Curtis Lazar and Riley Sheahan. Didn’t complain about it.

    * Was sent to the taxi squad and had his character publicly assassinated by Ralph Krueger. Didn’t complain about that either or try and force his was off of the team.

    * Waived his no-move so he could be eligible for the Seattle expansion draft which gave the Sabres an extra protection slot.

  10. Icy-Pollution6896

    good he was blackhole of defense, killed plays for his teammates and had to be hard carried on the top line, when he was back from his multiple vacations throughout the season. good riddance.

  11. Wrong-Term-9755

    We dont need vets that stand around and let everyone else do the work. We need vets that forecheck, backcheck, play their hardest and lead the young guys by example. Skinners a decent regular season goal scorer but not a playoff caliber player. I know hes never played in a playoff game but his product on the ice shows it.

  12. dumpmaster42069

    I’ll still wear my principal skinner t shirt.

    Will miss the steamed hams.

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