@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Max Domi est TOUJOURS UNE FEUILLE ! | Réaction à la prolongation de 4 ans

Steve Dangle réagit à l’entente conclue entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et l’attaquant Max Domi pour une prolongation de contrat de 4 ans et 3,75 M$. Est-ce qu’il aime l’entente ? DEVENEZ UN VIP SDP ! https://www.youtube.com/sdpn/join SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ FAITES DE LA PUBLICITÉ AVEC NOUS ! https://sdpn.ca/sales/ DISCORD SDPN : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya EASTER SEALS : https://t.co/DVbMNTS1IL


  1. Nothing Better in the Summer than listining to this 🤡 and all of Pathetic Leaf Nation…It never gets boring….😂🤣😝

  2. So the Laffs have signed Dummy. Big deal. I would expect as much from a ridiculous organization. He's as much a thug as his father was so, by all means, bring in more goonery. Can't wait to see that next first-round exit, lol.

  3. That Twitter announcement was epic. Even if it was a bad contract I still couldn't be mad. The dude loves being a Leaf.

  4. If you haven’t seen Domi's Instagram post about the signing, you should. Its pretty awesome!

  5. After Domi ( great great deal !! ) and Lilly only 12 million left for another goalie and top D man..( assuming Tanev signs a low dollar long term deal .)

  6. Max deserves alot of support and respect for signing this deal. Remeber what he did for us here leaf fans, team guy for sure. Thank you Max

  7. Good deal for the Leafs. Now an even more amazing deal for the Canucks with Dakota Joshua extension.

  8. I've wanted Max for years, but for some reason Dubas refused to entertain the thought. Thankfully, we've got a better GM who knows Max is a very good player and this contract is a relative bargain. I honestly think Domi just wants to stay here and play and was willing to take a discount. It's also 4 years, so a decent term for him and the Leafs. The Tanev deal worries me though (unless his is also a 4 year deal).

  9. “Bang on between 50 points and like 51 or 52”. Could you imagine if your accountant said “Bang on” and then gave you a range of numbers.

  10. 3.75 mill. Good signing. We need a goalie. We badly need a goalie.I want Marner to resign next year. Tavares will come off the books in 2025 and I am open to bringing him him but on 2 YR deal at 5 million per, not a penny more. That 6 M in savings against the cap will help.

  11. This is a good deal. Don't downplay his raise like it won't take me 15 years to earn just what his raise is in one year! LOL

  12. Wooooooooo! I would have been happy with 8yr x $3.5M. This guy needs to be a Leaf.

    Also, when is the Liljegrin video? How the he'll did he get $3M? BRAAAAAADDDD!?!?!?

  13. You got a great player there. Dedicated hard working prolateriate hockey stock. I'm just pissed that the Habs let him go. Yeah Habs fan here. But really you have a great player in max.

  14. Dude had 9 goals last season. Bad signing for a 5th line player. For a team with very little cap space. Keep wasting money on mediocrity and a player who takes far too many penalties. Domi and Woll at 3m+ is stupid when you're heading into one of the best FA list in years. Rather have over spent on Bertuzzi and let Domi walk.


  16. So happy to ear that good new, the leafs need this cande of guys not only guys like Matthew whit out ball's. By the way Matthew scored most goals and who's was passing to him. Matthew will ever be a disliked guy and not a team player. I'll been very happy if the leafs exange him for a great goaltender.

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