@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Bruce Garrioch (@SunGarrioch) on X] Le centre qualifié des #Sens Shane Pinto. On entend souvent dire dans les cercles de la ligue que son camp cherchera une offre lorsque le marché des agents libres ouvrira demain. La compensation pour un contrat avec une valeur annuelle moyenne de 4,58 à 6,7 millions de dollars est un choix de première et de troisième ronde @CapFriendly

Je ne suis pas un grand fan des offres à lui faire… mais il paraît que nous sommes intéressés par Pinto depuis un moment déjà. Cela semble être une bonne opportunité si les Sénateurs ont eu peur de passer à l’action.

Ce tweet mentionne que 4,58-6,7 millions sont un premier et un troisième, avec un tweet de suivi indiquant que les Sénateurs égaleraient.

Mais regardons le niveau supérieur… 6,8 à 9,1 millions sont un premier, un deuxième et un troisième.

Je pense que ce serait un prix plus qu’acceptable de notre point de vue… et je me demande si Sens correspondrait à une offre supérieure à 7 avec cette compensation sur la table.



  1. Narrow_Book_42069

    I don’t have an interest in giving up a 1st and a 3rd for him, personally.

  2. Arseling69

    Ouch. I’d have zero qualms screwing OTT over and stealing Pinto but for a top 15 maybe even top 10 pick we could just trade for someone equal or better and probably not pay 6m for big physical Morgan Frost.

  3. Flannel__Friday

    Do we think our pick from next year will be better than Shane Pinto?(I believe it has to be our pick) I hope so. Shane pinto is a good player but doesn’t As high end talent in my eyes.

  4. SanePatrickBateman

    That seems like a lot of assets + a high cap hit for a guy who has 70 points in 140 games

    Don’t mind the player though, just not at that cost

  5. Wickedhitter34

    No freaking way. We need to see what Danny is doing. He’s loading up for 2025

    Better approach: give up a 1 and 3 for Pinto now or keep those picks and come to next year’s draft with lots of picks giving us options and flexibility to make moves at draft for elite talent or walk away with 6 great players?

    Shane Pinto will not be a Flyer next season. Would be poor roster construction and use of assets

  6. TwoForHawat

    I feel compelled to point out that when you offer sheet someone, the picks that you use *have* to be your own picks. So there’s no option for the Flyers to sign Pinto to an offer sheet and use either the Colorado or Edmonton first rounder as the compensation.

    We are a rebuilding team. Last year’s overachievement notwithstanding, offer sheeting Pinto could mean giving up a Top 10 pick and, depending on lottery luck, could literally mean giving up the 1st overall selection. That’s an absolute non-starter.

    And frankly OP, even if you pivot from a trade to an offer sheet, I could see an argument that giving up Colorado’s first and then a second and a third for Pinto is a big overpay. Especially since you have to give Pinto a new contract before actually seeing how he fits with the team.

  7. Jmidiri92

    I honestly hope at this point we can do a Farabee and Zegras swap

  8. >But let’s look at the tier above… 6.8- 9.1 mil is a first, second, and third. I think that would be a more than an acceptable price from our perspective… and I wonder if Sens would match an offer above 7 with that compensation on the table.

    Pinto’s best season is 9 goals 27 pts in 41 games. His career scoring rate is 41 pts per 82 games …

    Talking about 7+ mil cap hits (in addition to paying 1st +) is crazy. Hes been the same level player as Frost so far in his career …

  9. vinny8244

    Frankly fair value for him is Farabee + a 2nd. 2nd added in for the fact that’s he’s a center and fills a need, if we are giving up first I’d go for the more proven player in Zegras. Flyers first next year could easily be in the early teens again in a much deeper draft. Also not opposed to trading our first in a package if it means netting Zegras, but not pinto. We could move up with the other picks we have.

  10. bcarey34

    TBH I don’t hate the idea entirely. If we could use the extra picks instead of our own it would be a no brainer. The thought of losing a very high pick might be too much. Maybe they can make a trade with the same compensation but other the extra picks not our own. When looking at pintos numbers I think the underlying stats are pretty good.

    I compared him to Stützle this past season and it’s closer than I thought.

    Stützle : Pinto

    GP : 75 : 41

    Pts: 70 : 27

    +-: (-17) : (+9)

    AToI: 21min : 18 min

    corsi for: 58% : 57%

    corsi rel: 10.3%. : 7.7%

    O/D zone start : 63/37: 59/41

    PP ToI/g: 3.4 min/g; 2.4 min/g

    pts/60 min: 2.7. : 2.2

    Even pts/60 : 2.4. : 2.0

    PP pts/60 : 4.6. : 3.6

    So pinto had about the same play driving ability with less sheltered deployment (higher % D zone starts). He produced at a similar level in terms of pts / 60 total and even strength ( about 80-85%). He had a better +- (I don’t put much stock in this but it is quite a bit better). Pinto is a year older and not as good on the PP , but I think given more ToI and more PP time he could put up even better numbers. He seems to be on an upward trajectory still and I think will continue to grow and could blossom with a bigger role, which he probably won’t get behind Stützle.

    Now here is where it gets super interesting if you ask me. OTT has a history of trading young centers with upside who are stuck behind someone on the depth charts. Mika Zibanejad. He was 22 when they traded him to NYR. At the time of his trade these were his numbers

    GP: 81

    Pts : 37

    +- : (-2)

    aToI: 17:46

    Corsi for: 53.3%

    Corsi rel: 6.2%

    O/D starts: 62/38

    Pts/60 : 2.1

    Even pts/60: 2.0

    PP pts/60: 3.2

    PP min/game: 3.4 min

    Now I’m not saying Shane Pinto is Mika 2.0 butttt the numbers and situation is strikingly similar. Would you give up a 1st, 2nd and 3rd for a player like Mika Zibanejad in a year when you have three 1st, three 2nds and two 3rds. I think I would.

    Edit: formatting
    Edit2: idk why I thought Stützle was a C not LW. Point still stands that he is producing similarly to their #2 point getter and he has 2 centers that had more TOI then pinto in Giroux and Batherson though.

  11. flyerscupchamps19

    I think people are missing that there may be a different offer sheet possibility here. If you find what term pinto wants and offer exactly $1 short of this apron then the compensation is only a 2nd round pick. Say pinto just wants to be a ufa the first year eligible. You offer him 4.579 until that point. There are ways to make an offer below this apron that gives pinto leverage and hurts the sens.

    Offering in the 4.58 and up window would be insane. He’s not worth our 1st and 3rd

  12. AdaminPhilly

    He is turning 24 this year and has been getting a bit better every year. I agree our first pick next year is too steep but I would be happy if we could do some sort of trade.

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