@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Siegel]Timothy Liljegren a signé un contrat de deux ans avec les Leafs. Le montant total atteint sera de 3 millions de dollars.

[Siegel]Timothy Liljegren a signé un contrat de deux ans avec les Leafs. Le montant total atteint sera de 3 millions de dollars.



  1. Actual_Cobbler_6334

    It would have cost more to replace him in FA and I’m intrigued to see what he can do under a coach not named Sheldon Keefe. He’s not as bad as this sub makes him out to be, it’s a good signing.

  2. Showtime98

    I thought he was gonna get traded tbh but glad he is still here

  3. Camarama421

    Only need one FA now to fill out our 6 starting D, I’d kinda prefer OEL but I anticipate Tre going for Zadorov

    Rielly – Tanev

    xxx – McCabe (or swapped depending on handedness)

    Benoit – Liljegren

  4. LtColumbo93

    Rielly – Tanev 

    Zadorov – McCabe 

    Benoit – Liljigren 

    Feels like it’s gonna be it for game 1. 

  5. RealCanadianDragon

    They were half right, we didn’t offer a QO…..

    Keeping him around is nice. 3rd line RD option perhaps?

    So we have Rielly, McCabe, Liljegren, Tanev, Benoit, Timmins as our D.

    We could still add a Zadorov (only if it’s a cheaper deal) or OEL and Timmins becomes the 7th D?

  6. Chorazy20

    It was about $500,000 more than I was expecting but a good deal. The second best puck moving D behind Rielly that we have. If the Leafs keep him I think him and Benoit would make a good pairing.

  7. rdawg1234

    It’s OK, he needs to step up next year, thought he looked terrible in the playoffs

  8. EarlWolf47

    I like Timmy but 3? Dude gets scratched every playoffs

  9. Big_Albatross_3050

    Thank God, finally.

    As much as I get Lilli is polarizing as a player, at 3 mill, the team is betting on him to take the next step under Berube and even if this fails, it’s 2 years and they can still move on

  10. CMDRShepardN7

    I really hope he stays on the top 4 for that caphit, and also plays the full 82 games.

  11. RattledRed

    Would like it closer to 2.5 but I’m not mad at 3.

    Kid needs to take a step next year for sure tho… We have all been waiting on him to break out for the last 2 years now.

  12. Can trade him right away if its not working g out

  13. 2bucks1day

    Knew it. No idea why they would move on from him when RHD are difficult to find and they likely would have over paid to get someone similar or worse.

  14. ThenSpite2957

    Like this signing. Made almost no sense to give up on a guy at his age when he’s got upside and we have a new coach with a new style. Tons of d-men come into their own at the ages of 26-28.

  15. bootygoon2

    If he’s not traded this summer (and the Leafs don’t sign Montour or trade for a PP1 caliber d-man) can they please let him play on the first power play unit, at least for the start of the year to see how it goes? I thought he played his best hockey all season when Rielly was hurt and he got PP1 time. Just try it for a month or so, if it doesn’t work then Rielly can go back to being on the first unit

  16. richarm87

    In guessing leafs wanted under $3 million (2 years 5-5.5). And Lilegrens group were over $3 million or a longer deal (look at Sandin)

    And they were able to negotiate to the middle.

  17. YarnhamSunrise

    People are down on Lily but I think Berube may be able to tap into his skillset better than Keefe.

    Like the player so I hope this works out.

  18. Let’s go! Love Lilly. Keefe didn’t trust him for whatever reason and injuries really took the steam out of his engine but I think he can be an absolute stud for us.

  19. SpectretheGreat

    Decent, we need RHD rn and the FA pool is $$$, this is safe considering we’re going to make a bit of a splash with Tanev + someone else.

  20. theguyishere16

    Im really excited to see Liljegren under a different coach. He was basically under Keefe his entire AHL and NHL career.

  21. Due_Journalist_2398

    When Lily is playing confident, he is straight up awesome, I hope berube can tap in to his confidence a bit because if we get a constantly good Lily, we are in good shape

  22. Objective_Gear_8357

    I thought the insiders said last night a trade was imminent? 

  23. warmachinae

    The Zadorov – Liljegren pair is gonna pop off I can feel it

  24. james-HIMself

    People need to stop using his sickness during drafting to define his skill. It’s been like 6 years, he either makes it work for Berube or he isn’t capable

  25. Leafyboy34

    I’m happy with this. He started the year awesome before his high ankle sprain. Hopefully we get that Lilly back! And he’s a righty. Mint.

  26. sharabhi

    Assuming 4ish for Tanev, we only have 8 mill for a RHD PP QB and goalie.

  27. Jaymesned

    Not sure why people seemed to be clamoring to trade this guy. Fair deal for a RHD that can slot into a PP spot. It’s a prove-it deal.

  28. mking098

    This means the team is committing to making him the 2nd pair RHD no?

  29. AcanthocephalaSafe66

    Signing Liljegren means Zadorov wants 6 million + Same as Roy. Montour looking for 8 million +. So Tre will be looking at lesser names.

  30. KetoPinto

    Could it be a signing just to make him more attractive and tradable with term and a decent contract with another move in mind?

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