@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Portzline : Blankenburg et Meyer deviennent agents libres

Portzline : Blankenburg et Meyer deviennent agents libres



  1. ThunderousDemon86

    Meyer is an AHL player, pure and simple.

    Blanks has some juice, but he is ALWAYS injured. Might just be too small for the pro game with how hard he plays.

    I wish both of them nothing but good luck.

    Don is serious, if you aren’t progressing as a player, and you aren’t helping the team improve from being the worst team in the East two years in a row, you gotta go.

    Don is the fresh set of eyes we’ve desperately needed. Jarmo would’ve kept all these dudes we’ve cut loose or traded.

  2. NontransferableApe

    Fine with me. A fresh set of eyes was well well welllllll overdue. It’s fun seeing all Jarmo’s pet projects go away

  3. Logosmonkey

    Sad about Blanks, I always loved that guy. But if you are injured more than you play I guess it doesn’t matter how much fight you have.

  4. ShartRat

    Damn. Blankenburg should be an NHL roster player with how he battles easily. Only issue with him is that he plays way too explosively for a guy his size. If injuries didn’t set him back and if we had more space I think he would be a consistent player in the roster. Knowing his ethic he will go work his ass off somewhere else in the league and he’s the one dude we have to get rid of that might actually have an impact somewhere else, but it’s not like we can keep him and he gets hurt a lot.

  5. downhill_skeet

    Another player our fanbase way overvalued. Blankenburg is a great guy but has no business being on the roster going forward

    Waddell finally ripping bandaids off, love to see it

  6. WytopitlockWinds

    Cleaning house! No issues with this. The only move I haven’t liked is not making an offer to Bean.

  7. sergei-boobtitsky

    Aw man I’m gonna fucking miss Blankenburg

  8. HowIsBabbySharkMade

    I and my signed Blankenburg third are very very very sad about this.

  9. mobius_osu

    Finally have a GM who understands 80% of the roster wouldn’t make another team’s roster. This is exciting.

  10. bjlight1988

    Blankenburg is yet another lovable but not very good player the fanbase liked a lot, but that doesn’t make him good enough at hockey to warrant spending money to keep around.

    Ditching these sentimental pet projects continues to be a solid move. We wondered how they would sign all the RFAs, and the answer is apparently only signing the ones good enough to eventually play on a winning hockey team.

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