@Panthers de la Floride

Les fans des Oilers regardent le défilé de la Coupe Stanley des Panthers….

Les fans des Oilers regardent le défilé de la Coupe Stanley des Panthers….



  1. There’s so many salty Oiler fans that were on the live stream chats bro

  2. cannedsmarties

    They keep saying Edmonton lives rent free in Tkachuk’s brain, yet they can’t stop talking about him every time he brings them up.

  3. WheeinSpace

    My favorite part is the fucking losers who keep bringing up Tkachuk being a -5 overall in the series. Nurse was a +4 overall but they can’t help but mention how he’s a huge waste of money. It’s almost as if two blowouts completely messed with everyone’s +/-, which is an almost meaningless stat btw. But since apparently +/- is the only stat that matters for Oilers fans, y’all can keep Nurse and we’ll be just have to settle for Matthew Tkachuk 😢😢😢

  4. Cornasium

    The amount of losers on twitter shitting on the parade is goddam hilarious.

    They keep reposting the one pic of the parade before it even started. As if it’s some sort if consolation prize that we didn’t burn down the city.

    Like, holy fuck i swear twitter had the average iq of less than 70, i need to get off that shithole.

  5. doyouunderstandlife

    Not enough tears to be accurate

  6. ShatterDomeSSZero

    I’m fapping to their tears and whining 💦💦💦💦

  7. jayngay_bays

    It was awesome today! Insane energy. Great atmosphere. Rain or shine.

  8. Lol it is difficult for me to watch, not gonna lie. That said, I sincerely congratulate you all and hope you enjoy the spoils of victory. Hopefully we can battle again some day.

  9. iAmCyberwaste

    The Oilers aren’t Gable to understand, are they.

  10. ColinFoxMSD

    I love the Chad Gabel image for this lol

  11. seemefail

    Oilers fan here… I don’t think I’ve seen any Panthers posts and almost no comments since the series. The one on Tkachuk is only a response because he has made a few comments about Edmonton now.

    I feel like you guys may be more upset about winning than the oil fans are their team lost.

    At least from Reddit, I don’t read comments on much else.

  12. abandondedbox

    I truly believe oiler fans are the worst in the league. Right there with Boston fans.

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