@Panthers de la Floride

Mini-film de la finale de la Coupe Stanley des Oilers contre les Panthers | Séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley 2024

Revivez chaque match et chaque instant de la finale de la Coupe Stanley 2024 entre les Panthers de la Floride et les Oilers d’Edmonton. Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour connaître les dernières actions de hockey en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant ABONNEZ-VOUS. Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. Game 7 was a snooze fest. Nothing happened. Reminded me of a late 1990’s neutral zone trap with the way the game went. Awful game compared to the rest of the series.

  2. As a Stars and Panthers fan, Connor McCrybaby losing brings me a sort of joy and sense of satisfaction I’ve never felt before

  3. LET'S GO HOME BABYYY 🔥 It started with drafting Ekblad and Barky. To build up great seasons and teams. Jagr, Luongo, Marssechault, Dadonov, Reilly Smith, Campbell, Jussi Jokinen, Jiri Hudler, Trocheck, Montoya, Weeksy, Kulikov, Vatrano, Weegar, Duclair, Gudas, Yandle, Hubydoobydoo, Swaggy, Reino, Bobby Shmurda, Baby Barkov, Roddy Richrigues, Lomberghini, Vladdy, Lust, Stenlund, Bennett, Montour, Mikooolaaaa, OEL, Okposo, Forsling, and the boul Tkaclutch. Born in 91' in Miami to finally see the Cup in South Florida. Gallant, Quennville, to Paul Maurice. The most losing coach took only two years to bring a starving franchise to the SCFs both years in a row. Made us ECF champs two years in a row to now STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS. We're here now South Florida 💪🙏

  4. I’ve been waiting for this video!!!! LET’S GO HOME BABY!!! GO CATS GO!!!!

    I love my Florida Panthers 🐆 and this has been a long time coming!!! Florida wins its first ever Stanley Cup and I was alive long enough to see it!!!

  5. My Panthers finally done it man. They really had me nervous and on edge with the games before 7, and me and my dad had lost all hope. Even me who kept hope throughout all the regular season. Words just cannot express me and my dad’s feelings of happiness and joy. He’s been waiting on it for 30 years, me on 14 close to 15 years. FLA PANTHERS BABY 🔥🔥🔥 Oilers gave us a tough series I’ll respect them for that

  6. My dad’s been a fan since day 1! Parents got pregnant with me a year later and were taking me to games in the womb. I’ve literally been waiting for this since my conception and I’m going to be riding this high for the rest of my life. VAMOS GATOS!!!!!

  7. Those words from Paul Maurice at the end,just put icing on the cake. Gave me chills.this is a season to remember forever that’s for sure

  8. I'll admit it, I'm a newer Panthers fan, been following since 2015, but I've been a hockey fan in general for 17 years now. To see them rise from their years with Jagr and watching the barrage of names float past us, they finally found the right unit and they let them grow and form into the monster machine they are now. Welcome to history, Panthers!!! We are so proud!!! LET'S GO BOB


  10. What a tremendous series, but we finally did it. We are the CHAMPIONS. Excellent job my Panthers. We have a bunch of truly great athletes. Each one deserve recognition for being good jockey players.🏒🏒👍👏

  11. Jesus, I thought I was done tearing up with this damn game, but listening to Maurice at the end just got me again.

  12. Did anyone else notice that when the panthers put the game puck into that puck display that one of the other pucks fell out lol

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