@Hurricanes de la Caroline

[The DFO Rundown 23:00] Seravalli a déclaré avoir entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles Zadorov aurait signé en Caroline. Les Canes ont également fait le point sur Brady Skjei au cours du week-end

[The DFO Rundown 23:00] Seravalli dit avoir entendu des rumeurs concernant la signature de Zadorov en Caroline. Les cannes ont également fait le tour de Brady Skjei ce week-end



  1. JKthePolishGhost

    I’ve been thinking Zadorov would be a great fit here. He is a point machine and has some sand. Would be great to see if we can make it work.

  2. drakethesnake94

    As someone who’s favorite Western team is the Canucks the idea of still getting to root for Zaddy makes me happy, he absolutely killed it in the playoffs and I know he’d be loved here if he signed

  3. QuiGonJinnNJuice

    Zadorov would be interesting as a 3rd pairing, left handed guy to pair with Morrow. I’d be really surprised if financially though we get anywhere near other offers on the open market

  4. bigskycaniac

    Well, I am feeling less
    Over the weekend

  5. XJudgeBootyX

    Pls don’t overpay. He was asking 5 million from the nucks.

  6. Kyle73001

    Y’all are gonna be upset when you find out how much he wants…

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