@Red Wings de Détroit

Patrick Kane et les Red Wings concluent un contrat d’un an

Patrick Kane et les Red Wings se rapprochent d’un contrat d’un an



  1. Caboose119z

    I wonder what the AAV is. I honestly might have preferred 2.

  2. reznorwings

    One year! Wowzer. Guess Kane backed off on his need for 3.

  3. Drug-reeference

    Genuinely shocked at a one-year deal, figured two was all but certain. Thrilled to have him back!

  4. AAV gonna be interesting

    With his hip and age I’m happy to go 1 year at a time but AAV is key

  5. xenonwarrior666

    Kinda crazy if that’s true.

    I suppose it makes it easier to negotiate/find a team if we miss the playoffs again.

  6. Background_Junket_35

    1 year would be a coup, assuming it’s not like 9M

  7. FlapjackSanders15


    I’d prefer 2-3 year term wise but I can’t be mad at that

  8. 6xLeverage

    Stevie remains a master of the deal. One year for a player who wanted 2+. Impressive

  9. Confident-Secret8962

    I’m genuinely shocked it’s a 1 year deal. I was thinking the hold up was Stevie wanted Kane to take a 2 year deal or a 3 year deal with a lower cap hit. Getting him to accept a one year deal is not what I was expecting.

  10. oceanic8675

    Just put on Dexter and it starts with a big Showtime graphic 🔥

  11. mariogotzebayern

    One year is a nice balance between Kane being able to dip if the Wings regress quite a bit, but also gives Detroit flexibility if Kane gets re-injured. *knocks on wood to either of those outcomes*

  12. 1 year is not a bad thing.

    Imagine if he said « just give me 3 million and then go get us some more players. »

  13. RedWingsReborn

    One year? Damn I was really hoping for at least 2-3.

  14. Oh damn, this is great. I was really worried he’d be tied down longer term, and at his age that’s a risk.

  15. epheisey

    Wow. I didn’t think 1 year was even an option. Like this a lot more tbh.

  16. Illustrious-Hand367

    After months of hearing term was important to Kane, I’m surprised by this news. I‘m still unclear if the NHL still allows teams to contact any UFA before July 1 (I know they used to, but I read the rule changed; still see mixed reports about whether it’s allowed). But, the only thing I can think of is Kane must have heard other teams weren’t willing to go multiple years either.

  17. whollottalatte

    I feel like 1 year says that he’s okay being traded to a cup contender for a pick or two, should it come down to it of course

  18. ItsOnLikeNdamakung

    That patch destroys one of the great jerseys in hockey. What an eyesore. Happy to have him back if he signs.

  19. Hockeytown11


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