@Devils du New Jersey

MISE À JOUR de l’agence libre de la LNH des Devils du NJ : l’échange de Kovacevic mène à quelque chose de GRAND ?!?

Les Devils du New Jersey ont obtenu le défenseur des Canadiens de Montréal Johnathan Kovacevic en échange d’un choix de quatrième ronde en 2026. L’agence libre de la LNH est à environ 15 heures. Trader pour Johnathan Kovacevic était-il simplement un mouvement en profondeur ? Est-il possible que cela ait des implications sur d’autres mouvements ? J’en discute et bien plus encore dans cette vidéo. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.co@m/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #nhlfreeagency #newjerseydevils #johnathankovacevic #kovacevic #nhltrade #nhltrades #brettpesce #stevenstamkos #nikitazadorov # brendendillon #tylerbertuzzi #anthonyduclair #devils #tomfitzgerald #pesce #zadorov #bertuzzi #stamkos #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast #nhl #hockey


  1. By the way, I argued in the past against Stamkos and now … I'm really not sure why I did.
    My bad. I hope we can get him.
    I don't think it's impossible either. We have big potential and we have Palat, so there's that connection from the Cup-winning teams.

    I would argue that we still need that top-4 D-man, like a Pesce. I wouldn't count on Kovacevic to step into that kind of responsibility just yet. And I want Dillon or Zadorov too. The more hard-to-play-against defensemen, the better.

  2. Kovacevic was a depth move to give Luke & Nemec some time off ice, not over-play them. We’re getting Pesce, Tarasenko and maybe Dillon.

  3. What do you think of Jonathan Marchessault for a top six forward and veteran presence ? I was surprised to find out he’s been making only 5mil a year . He was the engine of Vegas champion team ! And something else : I know it’s irrelevant now but I just read that with resigning of Saros Yaroslavl Askarov may become available and may become a generational goalie for some franchise . Just food for thought …

  4. Instead of Pesce, maybe Matt Roy with Kovacevic as #7/8. And the additional money for Nikolaj Ehlers (6 years younger than Stamkos).

  5. This trade isn’t necessarily that the devils got a superstar as he’s a 3rd line rd, but what it does mean is that I highly highly doubt the devils sign pesce, my money is on zadorov after seeing this trade.

  6. Habs fan here. Kovacevic is a pretty reliable 5-6 defenseman. He can play 2nd pair but not too much. Also, don't expect him to be as physical as you wish he were. A good team mate from all accounts, and he will drop 'em.
    Good luck too him.

  7. Love your content, but am pretty close to certain this is nothing more than a depth move to pace Nemec's development. Kovacevic looks to be a decent third pairing defender at a low cap, nothing more or less. Look at his ATOI and gv/tk ratio. My mind ran a little overly speculative too at first.

  8. Hopefully zadorov and stamkos but any combination of zadorov, stamkos, pesce and bertuzzi will suffice
    Looking forward to talking with you again on the next call in live video.
    Let’s go fitz, get it done tomorrow!

  9. I live in Montreal, and I saw the way Jonathan played. I have to say, the devils didn’t give up much and they acquired a decent player. He had a lot on his shoulders from watching the games at the bell centre and this guy will do well. He won’t be the best d on the reliable spots, but he will come in clutch in most events as a 7th D or top 6

  10. Idc. If its pesce or someone else but fitz better get a proven top 4 dman this guy is an extra dmam they sighned

  11. The MTL Fans i know Like calling him Honda Civic 😀 so a little nickname Already for him

  12. @runninwiththedevils
    I think they have to prioritize the back end first were way to vulnerable and young..

  13. Perhaps the Devils will sign Kevin Labanc, Brett Pesce, and Jersey boy James van Riemsdyk, so James, Kevin, and Jack Hughes will form one the best line combinations dubbed “the U.S.A. Line” and Brett will pair with Luke Hughes on defense.

  14. I mean why not us? I mean think about it, Sheldon Keefe behind the bench, Markstrom/Allen between the pipes, and the star core that we have.

    It sells itself. Let’s go Devils!

  15. I like Stamkos but I think 8mill+ for 3 years or more is too much for a guy that’ll be 35 in February. I’d rather spend that money to round out the roster and make us more balanced. The forward lines don’t gel with me. Do they go Nico timo and Bratt as 1 line? Who’s playing with Jack? Haula,Mercer/Palat that sounds awful. Fourth line is Lazar Bastian Cotter ? You can’t scratch Cotter cuz you just traded Holtz for him so you’re invested now. Does that mean Foote is back to Utica to rot? McDermid only plays 4 times a year to fight Rempe which seems like a waste of cash. Not feeling confident tomorrow tbh

  16. I think stammer is coming to NJ 🔒 Power play will be lethal if it’s not Stamkos it’s Marchessault he’s the second best option Conn Smythe winner

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