@Canadiens de Montréal

[Arpon Basu] J’ai vu beaucoup de confusion plus tôt lorsque Frank Seravalli a rapporté que les Canadiens s’étaient renseignés au sujet de Kane, mais c’est EXACTEMENT le genre de contrat qu’ils cherchent à signer en tant qu’agent libre. Ils peuvent payer beaucoup, mais pas pour longtemps

[Arpon Basu] J’ai vu beaucoup de confusion plus tôt lorsque Frank Seravalli a rapporté que les Canadiens s’étaient renseignés sur Kane, mais c’est EXACTEMENT le genre de contrat qu’ils cherchent à signer en agence libre. Ils peuvent payer cher, mais pas pour longtemps



  1. Go_Habs_Go31

    > Patrick Kane, one-year deal with Detroit: $4 million base and he can make an extra $2.5 million in bonuses

  2. shogun2909

    We’re here for a good time, not a long time 😏

  3. flepine44

    Give me Tarasenko 2×6 and let him welcome Demidov next year

  4. I don’t know how you can do that, but please convince Stamkos

  5. steeler2323

    I wouldn’t mind a 1 or 2 years contract for a 30+yo forward, but there isn’t many choice.

    Either they are declining and wouldn’t be much more help than Gallagher/Armia/Anderson OR they will want to sign their last « long » contract (3 or 4 years at least).

    Maybe Henrique to take the same role that Monahan had (helping with faceoff and center depth). Other than that, Perron, Skinner or Tarasenko are pretty much the only options.

    My guess is Mantha (since he probably won’t be able to find a long term deal) or they overpay for 2 years of Marchessault (since he already got his cup, he might not prioritize a contender anymore).

  6. ZGVhbnJlc2lu

    Monahan is better than Kane right IMO. Bring him back.

  7. Slow-Swordfish-6724




    Two 1st round picks next year
    Two 2nd round picks next year
    Three 3rd round picks next year
    Plus any players not named

    We have money to go after UFA’s for the next two seasons aswell

    Wouldn’t mind Kane at 2 years 6.5-7.5 million, we have the cap space to do it. Or any other scoring winger for 2 seasons

    (I know not all players are at the correct positions)

    Koivu, Farrell, Mesar, Heineman, Kapanen, Engstrom, Konyushkov will likely not all make the nhl but I see 4/7 getting there at least.
    Alot of trade chips here

    (Edit) just found out Kane is no longer available, Stamkos 2 years 10m anyone?

  8. DCARRI3R3

    Habs can give him 2 years at 9 million, he helps take us to playoffs or we send to whatever team he wants at 4.5 million. St.Louis and Lecavalier both work with our team now so it’s not entirely impossible! Would love stammer out showing the boys how to play, and perhaps he could be that vet

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