@Devils du New Jersey

Les Diables échangent Marino, Holtz et Schmid ; Aperçu gratuit de l’agence ; Anton Silayev est un étalon | ÉPISODE 44

Dans le 44e épisode de « Shout At The Devils », les animateurs Daniel Amoia (devils.report) et Justin Brady (devilsfanatics) discutent des deux échanges massifs réalisés par les Devils et de ce qu’ils signifient pour leur avenir. Ils récapitulent également le repêchage des Devils et présentent quelques options en agence libre. – « Shout At The Devils » est le podcast ultime pour les fans des Devils du New Jersey, animé par deux influenceurs du hockey, Justin Brady (@devilsfanatics) et Daniel Amoia (@devils.report). Grâce à leur connaissance approfondie de l’équipe et à leur passion pour le sport, Justin et Daniel fournissent des analyses perspicaces, des commentaires approfondis et des discussions engageantes sur tout ce qui concerne les Devils. Chaque semaine, les animateurs proposent une émission divertissante et informative qui couvre les dernières nouvelles, les récapitulatifs des matchs et les mises à jour des joueurs, ainsi que des entretiens avec des athlètes, des experts et des initiés du monde du hockey. De la discussion sur les performances de l’équipe sur la glace à l’exploration du côté commercial de la franchise, « Shout At The Devils » offre un aperçu complet de tout ce que les fans des Devils doivent savoir. Alors, connectez-vous, rejoignez la conversation et criez sur les Devils avec Justin et Daniel chaque semaine ! Photo(s) miniature(s) : Devils du New Jersey, LNH


  1. The Holtz trade FEELS like a waste, because he was such a high draft pick. But it's not, if you look at his actual play.
    I'm glad to hear Cotter has potential, comes cheap, and especially that he has speed AND physicality. We're still building a speed and skill team, I'm pretty sure.

    Hopefully someday I won't be be surprised by people's eagerness to cast blame and wallow in misery but … the outrage, despair, and heavy drinking over Holtz has been something to see … before we even sign any free agents. Sheesh.

  2. Horrible trade!! This may be the worst move in the history of Devils management. There was no need to give up on two young prospects who have shown potential with another years experience/ growth in the off season and new coaches maybe we could have gotten them closer to their actual projection. Even if they didn’t fit at that point at least they would have gotten us more in return at the end of this year. You gave them both up when they aren’t taking up a large portion of the cap to get a fourth line player that you like because he hits? We can address that in free agency. And hitting physicality was coming to our line up with Foote Bastian healthy this year. Think if Marino gets us 2 2nds why couldn’t we have traded a 4/ 5th to get this kid from Vegas if you liked him so much? GTFOH. Trading Holtz makes no sense when you just traded Clarke another right shot forward who could have at least benefited from Holtz leaving. Do Fitz who do you have in mind for right shooting forwards? Necas ? Laine? Not realistic and would tie up cap far into the future with big money and years causing you problems when you need to sign Luke and Nemec. Or are you just impartial to right shot players? How about you trade players like Palat and Lazar tying up roster spots/ larger cap space to pick up guys like Henrique Zadorov Bertuzzi. I’m so mad I don’t care if you replaced Holtz with Stamkos because one has absolutely nothing to do with the other you should have gotten more in a trade with either of those players. The only thing I believe you did by making that trade is have everyone thinking you are a fool so they approach you for other trade ideas. Smh absolutely embarrassing making Holtz a scapegoat for YOUR inability to remove coach Ruff. Take accountability for your actions trade yourself to Vegas as GM for GM at least he knows how to manipulate the LTIR cap and take advantage of GMs picking their roster dry of prospects who can be better or used in other transactions. You need to do better!

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