@Sabres de Buffalo

Quelle est la prochaine étape pour les Sabres après le rachat de Jeff Skinner ?

Lance Lysowski et Mike Harrington du Buffalo News réagissent au rachat de Jeff Skinner par les Sabres et à tout ce que l’équipe a fait lors du repêchage de Las Vegas.


  1. I hate to say it but the big problem is actually our fans for being so short-sighted. Everyone is so fixated on merely making the playoffs instead of slowly building a champion. The high of making it in will fade fast if we don’t win and if we shorten our window by rushing it. We already have an entire history of losing in the playoffs and giving up on rebuilds. If we want to go deep in the playoffs we have to take the long way. This rebuild by Adams is only going on the 4th year and he has corrected the lessons from the failures of Murray and Botterill. It’s sad to me that our fans don’t seem to have actually learned these lessons.

  2. I hope they making a big move. I know he is expensive, however he is a top scorer on this team.

  3. If history is any guide they will overpay for a middle six forward in free agency. Someone willing to take $4-$5 million in Buffalo rather than 3 million somewhere else.

  4. Win now mode ?? Look at todays trade , a second round pick for a 4th liner this is a joke especially when you see what Tampa got for Tanner Jeanott and Andrew Mangiapanne went for a 2025 second round pick !🤬🤬
    I hope Adams uses his 7.5 million in cap space this off season but im not holding my breathe!

  5. I would take up Mike on that bet that Kevyn won’t have a job in 3 years. Easy bet to take. He’s Pegula’s guy. He’ll be here.

  6. Look at other Sabres 2nd round picks that did not pan out.
    Marcus Davidson, T. Lieninin(Goalie).Justin Bailey,Drew Schiestel, TJ Brennan.even Rasmus Asplund were disapointing.

    Give Malenstyn a chance. At least he can play now/
    Second rounder is a 50/50 chance anyway

  7. He will make the playoffs and probably get a cup. It’s how it works with this franchise. I will miss the guy and wish him the best

  8. Saying Jeff Skinner is not a “winning” hockey player really has to be one of the stupidest comments from Mike Harrington I’ve ever heard. Skinner scored more goals for the Sabres than O’Reilly, Eichel, Reinhart and Okposo, all of which went on to be Stanley Cup winners after never making the playoffs themselves in Buffalo.

  9. STUPID MOVE! This team constantly commits suicide year in year out. Why can’t NHL teams restructure contracts like the NFL can i.e. Von Miller???

  10. Why didn't they just trade pick 14 (after trade down) & maybe eat a bit of salary & send Skinner to a team like Calgary? Next 2 seasons will be way worse cap wise, what's another 1st round pick to this team at this point vs cap space to make team better now.

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