
[DavesFreshlyUsd on Twitter] Paul Maurice porte un t-shirt avec ses chats comme logos des Panthers

[DavesFreshlyUsd on Twitter] Paul Maurice porte une chemise avec ses chats comme logos des Panthers



  1. Educational-Salary91

    When coach of the Cats is a cat person.

  2. KidNamedMohammed

    Paul definitely posts on r/orangecats

  3. doyouunderstandlife

    Wasted opportunity if the Panthers don’t capitalize and sell those shirts in the store.

  4. remotewashboard

    that’s so funny. i would do the same thing

  5. Love it. He said that his daughter made it.

    I hope this becomes a thing games next season with fans putting pictures of their cats on jerseys and shirts.

  6. EctoRiddler

    I’m making my own if this is not made officially

  7. Arthur_M_

    I will remind everyone the panther subreddit hated this guy for the longest time. He couldn’t do anything right. Goes to show, as fans, we just need to let things marinate for a bit sometimes. We don’t know much.

  8. MilesDavis_Stan

    A couple months back (maybe it was during the Lightning series?), it was a slow media day and someone asked him about his cats and he refused to say their names.

    Now we know: Poppy and Penny.

  9. tbsampalightning

    Not a Panthers fan but I would buy that shirt

  10. Amazing. Way to go Paul. What a great idea.

  11. mrpink01

    He’s a cat person. I like him even more now.

  12. TheWigsofTrumpsPast

    I would 100% buy this shirt. Now we just a picture of cat sitting/sleeping in the Stanley Cup.

  13. gilgamesh_the_dragon

    I didn’t think I could like him more after that speech after the win. But here we are.

  14. AfterMarionberry5594

    PoMo keeps on winning this season.

  15. MonkeyPox37

    I was mad/sad/disappointed when my team got eliminated.

    I am no longer mad/sad/disappointed. The world needed this.

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