@Flames de Calgary

David Pagnotta (@TheFourthPeriod) sur X « Les #Flames essaient de s’additionner aujourd’hui. Anthony Mantha est un joueur qu’ils ciblent »

David Pagnotta (@TheFourthPeriod) sur X « Les Flames essaient de se renforcer en attaque aujourd’hui. Anthony Mantha est un joueur qu’ils visent »



  1. Cool beans another indication they are analytically ahead of the curve

    However very muddled big picture

    Washington west awkward retool on the fly

  2. Chemical_Signal2753

    Mantha is not a name I was expecting to see associated with the Flames but is not that far off of the type of players I was expecting them to approach. I would prefer the Flames over pay on a 2 or 3 year term than sign a long term deal with him.

  3. Classic Pagnotta tweet. If he’s wrong he can easily claim he never said anything.

  4. TkachukNorris

    Didn’t this dude jump our boy Brodie

  5. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    Why. I just don’t get adding middle 6 plugs who were scratched in the playoffs and have little upside to stand directly in the way of guys like coronato and Pelletier

  6. enorytyyc

    Martha is a flop. Not worth his price tag

  7. onetru74

    Watched him here in Detroit, hard pass unless it’s a super affordable deal. He’s way too inconsistent, had the potential to be really good but never really put it together.

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