@Blackhawks de Chicago

Le défenseur Alec Martinez signera un contrat d’un an avec les Blackhawks de Chicago, selon TSNBobMcKenzie

Le défenseur Alec Martinez signera un contrat d’un an avec les Blackhawks de Chicago, selon TSNBobMcKenzie



  1. DiamondBurInTheRough

    ……ain’t that a kick in the teeth. We didn’t forget 2014, Alec.

  2. OneGenericMan

    Veteran depth and locker room presence to help out KK/Kaiser/Del Mastro. Am not against it for the right price.

  3. 5MinuteDad

    Guess this means we are trading a D man….I’m all for veteran leaders but I think we are at the point we need players and leaders.

  4. Huh. Didn’t expect this signing. Gives us 3 vets (Jones, Murphy, and Martinez), and three young guns (Korchinski, Vlasic, and EDM/Kaiser/Crevier/possible Levshunov). I like that mix.

  5. jayzee19

    Random thought but it seems the hawks are building their team having the Edmonton/Mcdavid case study in mind. Their weakness is no defence/depth around their star and Davidson is learning from that.

  6. IdelucaAlex

    I still have nightmares about 2014, but I like the signing

    3 veterans on defense now, Korchinski, Vlasic, and whoever fills the last spot isn’t an awful d core at all

  7. SpecialAircraft

    Not a flashy signing but he’s a dude that’s been around forever and has a ton of report and respect in the league. Knows how to win and that is imperative at this stage of the rebuild. I like it.

  8. sarbear0903

    A new babysitter for Korchinski that is more competent than Tinordi or Magna!

  9. WeirdBandKid26

    Good signing but I have a ton of nightmares of 2014. Ughh

  10. MostMirror

    That’s cool to see Alec Martinez with the Hawks. I remember his playoff battles against us. I can’t believe that was 10+ years ago now.

  11. soxfan10

    Dudes gonna be so reliable next to KK. Good depth piece. Fuck him for 2014 tho

  12. This will be the same vibe as Perry signing here last summer😂

    Also some payback for 2014 – now he has to deal with this dogshit team and Söderblom in net all season lol

  13. We’ve reached the « 37 year old defenseman with ringzzz » stage of the rebuild.


    This isn’t going to be an easy pill to swallow.

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