@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Jake Guentzel signe un contrat de 7 ans et 9 millions de dollars avec le Lightning

Jake Guentzel signe un contrat de 7 ans et 9 millions d’AAV avec Lightning



  1. Personal-Banana-9491

    I’m trying to be excited about this.

  2. Wayf4rer

    You pay for quality players. 9 is a good price for a guy guaranteed to fit into our top line and our top unit if Stamkos goes.

  3. Swimming-Fan7973

    That’s about right, considering he was basically a free agent.

  4. jaybad34

    Number 1 FA available was going to get paid.

  5. For a UFA that’s a good deal, I thought it would be higher

  6. Patreonlyfans

    I’m excited for this. If he produces the whole term the way he produced throughout his career this will be a no brainier, great deal. My real question is does he have his best years yet now that he’s with a guy like Kucherov. I know he’s played with Crosby and Malkin but I think Kucherov has proven to be a much better play maker than the other two.

  7. AdamAptor

    When is the last time we snagged a top UFA?

  8. Nogtastic2000

    Good signing, really hope we still get to keep our boy though.

  9. Desperate-Warthog-70

    Where does Stammer go if he leaves?

  10. Logical_Eagle_4962

    What an absolute disgrace. Abhorrent overpayment for a guy who’s scored 40 twice. Also gave up one of our best Dmen. JBB has no idea what hes doing. Stammer wanted half this and put up more offense than Guentzel the last three years. What a joke.

  11. GeetarMan9

    Dudes a damn good forward who scores 30 a year and with Kuch and Point might be pushing 40 goals and 100 points. Good pickup

  12. dolewhiplash

    Again, it’s hard to separate this from the Stamkos of it all, but I really hope everyone at least tries to. It’s not his fault that things played out like they did, and he ended up taking less total money than was offered to him by Carolina.

    He’s not just the top free agent available, but he’s the perfect fit to our top 6 imo. He’s can drive play on his own, 5v5. He can create space. He has a high IQ and I’d expect him to pair extremely well with Kucherov.

    Let’s see how he does before judging him, and try our best to keep our own personal feelings about how JBB handled the Stamkos situation to JBB alone.

  13. AceShipDriver

    If we don’t sign Stammer, JBB will be a traitor to Bolts Nation.

    The “It’s just business” excuse is #1 Bullshit. For some players, loved, admired, respected and appreciated by the fans – business takes a backseat. This is the case with Stammer.

  14. NoSpin89

    So what you’re saying is we need to win every game 11-10?

  15. Stamkos and Heddy right? Or does Heddy have one more on his contract?

  16. 18miloverthecap

    Stamkos is gone folks. I’m personally upset and do not like this deal at the number at all. I get contracts are what they are now, but 9 mil for a guy that could only muster 80 points a few times playing with Crosby is scary. Extends our window and I get that’s what people care the most about and is the job of our front office. I just can’t get on board with it though and seeing Stammer in another jersey is going to kill me. This is so much worse than Vinny and Marty.

  17. surfacep17

    Wow to get a great productive player to add to this core to try and keep things rolling. Impressive move

  18. Allen_Koholic

    This is not ideal. Unless Tampa can convince Stamkos to take $5M / year or can move Sheary – and why the fuck hasn’t the team moved Sheary yet? – that leaves $7.5M for three roster spots.

    The best Tampa can offer Stamkos right now is $5.5M AAV. However that’s structured. And that’s hoping Hedman is still willing to take the same AAV next season.

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