@Panthers de la Floride

Le défenseur vétéran Dmitry Kulikov retourne chez les FLA Panthers, champions de la Coupe Stanley. Quatre ans, VAA de 1,15 million de dollars.

Le défenseur vétéran Dmitry Kulikov retourne chez les FLA Panthers, champions de la Coupe Stanley. Quatre ans, VAA de 1,15 million de dollars.



  1. flomarilius

    Four years! I’m 4 days older than him 😂. Alrighty then.

  2. AZ_Legal

    Not the term we were hoping for, but this is a solid deal for a bottom pair D. Dude played really well with OEL. Much better than Staal last year …

  3. Margin4Error

    Don’t know why but I’m more hyped for this than Reinhart coming back.

    The Reinhart situation never worried me, I had a good feeling he wasn’t going anywhere, but getting Kulikov back is bigger than advertised.

    Adds great depth and physicality and was a beast in the finals and made probably one of the biggest plays/saves in this team’s history that then led to Reinhart’s Game 7 GWG.

  4. dunkcitybitch

    More than likely retires where it all began if he stays full term. Love to see it.

  5. MultiLuigi57

    Huzzah!!!! I might cry a little bit for the fact that he really is here to stay.

  6. Number333

    Awesome! With OEL gone, Montour potentially leaving and Ekblad being rumored to potentially being moved, it’s nice we have some continuity in Forsling/Mikkola/Kulikov on the blue line.

    Finished 3rd in blocks and hits for us during the regular season. Had an incredible save while falling down in the crease in Game 7 that eventually led to Rhino’s goal for the winner. Glad to have him back!

  7. Pancakekid

    The game saving and game winning assist man!

  8. Zvedza320

    so happy for kuli

    he never wanted to leave and tallon (or was it Rowe?) traded him away

    You could see how happy he was to be back and was an absolute beast in the playoffs

  9. Democracy__Officer

    Friendly reminder that Fuck Tom Rowe. Welcome back Kuli

  10. ChampionshipFalse341

    I ordered a Kuli jersey after they won Monday so this is great news

  11. IntrepidSwan7932

    Kulikov was super useful last year, especially during the playoffs. There were key moments(like that cup winning shot for instance) where his defensive skills were key to the Panthers gaining back the momentum.

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