@Sabres de Buffalo

Les Sabres auraient signé un contrat d’un an avec l’attaquant Jason Zucker

Les Sabres auraient signé un contrat d’un an avec l’attaquant Jason Zucker



  1. PrinciplesRK

    If this is true, it puts our left wingers as:

    Peterka / Benson / Zucker / Malenstyn

    Starting to think the top 6 is more set than we think unless one of them plays their off wing.

  2. zaxtonous99

    Not too familiar, is this a 4th line grit addition?

  3. BarnBazaar

    People not knowing who Jason Zucker is has aged me a bit.

  4. Scroll-While-Pooping

    Buying out Skinner before reports started, drafting Helenius, signing Zucker – I think Kevyn Adams is watching me in the /r/hockey mock offseason

  5. JahHappy

    Im not familiar with him, can someone fill me in? Is it a solid pickup for us?

  6. Simple_Jak

    They are probably banking on him as 3rd line LW. Anyone know his defensive metrics? I know he had some good seasons on Minny back in the day, but his offense has been mostly meh since.

  7. the_missing_worker

    Financials just came in. $31M x 1 year.

    Kidding aside, just what the fuck was the point of freeing up this much cap space if we’re not going to actually sign a real player?

  8. MidnightMass26

    Fine with it being a middle six signing. One year is great as it doesn’t block out an incoming prospect.

    Still need to bring in a Top 6 winger.

  9. stuiephoto

    He’s playing in Roch I assume? He’s played less than half a season in the nhl for 5 of his last 7 seasons. 

  10. edit-the-sad-parts

    Good job getting a vet without giving term. Nice little move

  11. StartButtonPress

    Noooo our U30 team!!

    Jk. Good signing for the 3rd line

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