@Ligue nationale de hockey

Chris Tanev signe avec les Maple Leafs

C’est officiel et a été annoncé par l’équipe



  1. What the cinnamon toast fuck are the Leafs doing

  2. Very slight overpayment, surprised it’s under $5 million. Not happy about the NMC. Hopefully Treliving has something else brewing.

    Edit: also think the contract is two years too long. And being Buyout proof doesn’t help.

  3. Lightz29

    The NMC is 100% going to come back to bite us. I was hoping for a 4 year deal but I guess this will do.

  4. Sadiq_Sabonis

    Decent player but contract seems a few years too long

  5. greenpill98

    His time with us was brief, but it was a good run.

  6. yonksterman

    Leafs plugged a hole for the next 3. the last 3 could be either good or horrible

  7. Patient_Fan_1993

    Leafs get burned by full NMC again and again but never learn

  8. Flossugar

    Contracts like this make me giggle at the people that think Tavares is going to take some 4×3.5 “team friendly” deal.

  9. r/leafs probably excited and justifying this signing

  10. RangerGripp

    Treliving doing his cap magic.

    Holy shit he ruined the flames. Good luck leafs.

  11. This is… A terrible contract.

    Leafs are apparently a charity now. Best thing they can hope for is he ends up in LTIRement in a few years since they cant waive him or buy him out of trade him.

    He’s good, but he’s got injury issues and… Signing a guy till he’s 40 is a choice.

  12. Boring-Back-4229

    Don’t hate this at all. Everybody saying that the last 3 years is going to bite them don’t realize that he’s so easy to ship off to LTIRetirement the moment that he starts to regress.

  13. 6 years? Tanev is 34. This contact is not going to age well.

  14. Gold_Gain1351

    Got his passport all ready for his 2026-27 trip to Robidas Island

  15. xtzferocity

    I see the leafs are making the same mistakes as they did in the early years of the cap. That worked out well. Can’t believe they fumbled the best player in franchise history this hard.

  16. KosherKush1337

    I’m curious how those bonuses are structured. What is the impact on salary cap?

  17. KosherKush1337

    This reminds me of the Blackhawks and the Brent Seabrook contract extension back in 2015. Good defensemen but aging and past his prime. Salary is reflection of previous play, not a reasonable amount over the life of the contract given that his level of play will decline significantly as he gets older. But perhaps the Leafs will avoid some of that with the bonuses instead of all base salary.

  18. ResolutionNumber9

    Honestly, I like this better than the Domi contract. At least they are trying something different here and investing in the back end.

    The ‘no move’ hurts, but I suspect that’s the only way they can get anyone to sign these days. If the leafs win a cup in the next 4 years, all of these NMC will seem like genius, if not, then an albatross.

  19. Ordinary-Easy

    In other words, in a few year’s time, it will be pretty much impossible to get rid of him if he isn’t able to perform up to expectations.

    Toronto seems to have a big problem with managing its cap and saying no to players’ demands.

  20. MagniPlays

    Way too much, way too long.

    Add another issue to the Leafs roster that will get ripped to shreds once they get bounced in 2025.

    A 2 year, 2.5-3.2 million deal without a NMC would have made this fantastic for them. Tanev is good when healthy but an expensive contract if he misses 20-30 games with his play style.

  21. Aromatic-Safety-5092

    Everyone saying it’s a bad idea like he’s not gonna spend the last 2 years on the LTIR. It was this, or 4 years at 5.5-6 mil. The price you have to pay being in a high tax market.

  22. Catssonova

    Wait, he’s gonna be 40 for that last year. Is Giordano’s 4 year deal next?

    I feel bad for the Leafs fans that have to deal with an even worse GM

  23. ChemicalAccording432

    Breaking News:

    CRA suing Chris Tanav over Bonuses.

  24. Substantial-Recipe72

    This fucking guy is 34 in two years this contract will be one of the worst in the league…. Toronto continues to sign the most dumb contracts in the league.

  25. UndeadDog

    As a Flames fan I’m happy we aren’t signing bad deals like this. Tanev is great but man that’s long.

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