@Jets de Winnipeg

[Ray Petkau] Laurent Brossoit signe avec Chicago 2 x 3,3 M$

[Ray Petkau] Laurent Brossoit signe avec Chicago 2 x 3,3 M$



  1. LockedUnlocked

    He deserves that contract 100% go prove yourself as a starter!

  2. Not looking forward to playing against him next year, those Chicago games aren’t going to be as easy.


    O7 LB. Please dont destroy us whenever you play us.

  4. This sucks. Playing against him will be tough.

  5. rookie-mistake

    good for him, going to miss him but hopefully he gets a chance to prove himself with a few more games than he was getting behind Hellebuyck

  6. Shotgunn5

    Sad to loose him but he deserves a bigger role then he was getting here

  7. gotoajetsgame

    Thanks Chevy, at 3.3 per year coulda had 2 dynamo tenders.
    Now what omg, Comrie again??

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