@Avalanche du Colorado

[Mckenzie] Drouin revient au COL pour un contrat d’un an.

[Mckenzie] Drouin revient au COL pour un contrat d’un an.



  1. mindreader_131

    Glad he’s back but would’ve liked more term

    Edit: Holy shit $2.5m AAV is ridiculously cheap, the term makes way more sense now

  2. For_Perpetuity

    Maybe gives us time to resolve Nuke and Landy.

  3. HoodPhones

    Halifax homies!

    They surely just agreed on 1 year because the Avs dont have space, and they’ll re-negotiate again at the end of this year to extend him.

    Taking two 1 year deals in a row, the guy obviously likes it here. Cap will go up another 4-5M


  4. Only 1?? Maybe waiting for cap increase and some more clarity on our Landy and Nuke situations?

  5. sweetplantveal

    I’m hoping it’s $3-$3.5M 🤞

    I wonder if the term was mutually agreed or if ti was contentious.

  6. SomeDudeinCO3

    Best news I could have hoped for today. I mean, resigning Walker would be nice but I don’t see any signs of that happening. 

  7. frostbritt

    $2.5!!! Best news we could ask for today!!!

  8. Luna4589

    I’m so glad this got done. He and MacKinnon have such great chemistry.

  9. hockeyandhalloween

    MacFarland is a wizard. 2.5 is incredible. Just goes to show how happy Drouin is here

  10. Outside_Abroad_3516

    holy fuck that’s a lot cheaper than I thought

  11. anemic_royaltea

    Great deal. Avs need flexibility wherever they can find it. He had a great second half but he’s not been particularly consistent over the last decade. Prove me wrong, Dru

  12. Elusive_Manatee

    At 2.5×1 he really wants to stay and is hedging bets that Val isn’t an Av next year.

  13. LysergarmideGuy

    Habs fan here. So happy for Drouin and for you guys!! He seem to really appreciate playing for the avalanche. This deal is good for everybody.
    Take care of Jonathan please as you already did last year

  14. MettaLOB

    Definition of a team player. Could have gone and get the money which is absolutely understandable, but decided to stick it out one year and hopefully after another great year. We pay him what he deserves when we have the cap to do so


    Man, I’m so happy Drouin worked out for himself and for the Avs.

  16. seclusivebeauty

    $2.5 million! Wow! Almost certainly worked out something that they’ll sign him for more and longer once we have the cap space. Awesome!

  17. undockeddock

    Only $2.5 million? Wow. Nate Dogg better be covering this man’s check every time the team goes out to eat

  18. mikess101

    I couldn’t be happier, this gets us over the massive obstacle that is the Nuke/Landy situation for this year, and we can re-approach long term talks with him next summer, another year of consistency will be huge for his outlook. IMO this just about guarantees that he will sign a longer term deal with us, he could have gotten a good deal somewhere else but chose to ride out the tricky cap situation for this year with us. Makes me feel great about where we stand, everything considered.

  19. Big_Liability

    LETS FUCKING GO. 1 year deal is so smart because next year we will have more clarity on the cap space and the cap raising to then extend him for longer/more money. That truly means he wanted to stay here and I cannot wait

    Does this also mean we can keep Colton? I would love to have him stay 3C

  20. Puzzleheaded_Can9159

    One year deal makes complete sense for him if he thinks he can do the same next year. He’s effectively treating it like a bridge deal. I think open market he would have got less than what some people are acting like given that it was only one year and can be tied a lot to being here.

  21. illyria817

    Even with just 1 year deal, this is still very exciting. The general consensus at the end of last season was that there was almost no way Avs could afford to keep him…glad they found a way.

  22. SteakSauce995

    I’m guessing we are signing him back for a year to see what happens with Nichushkin. If the Avs have to cut him, then we can use that money on Drouin.

  23. fatch0deBoi34

    I think it’s a smart decision tbh. He made a boat load of money in Montreal but had pretty bad numbers there in the end for what his potential said he could’ve been.

    Comes here and immediately revived his career with Nate and this system. I don’t think he takes this deal if he wasn’t already pretty darn financially set from his previous stint in Montreal. Ball out again and sign one more massive contract from either here or somewhere else.

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