@Capitals de Washington

Les Capitals acquièrent Chychrun d’Ottawa pour Nick Jensen et un choix de troisième ronde en 2026

Les Capitals acquièrent Chychrun d’Ottawa pour Nick Jensen et un choix de troisième ronde en 2026



  1. As someone who thinks Jensen is still really good, I’m flabbergasted that he had *this* much value. Love this swap, regardless.

  2. InfallibleBackstairs

    Good. I’m tired of watching Jensen do things that aren’t smart.

  3. mattcojo2

    Damn it I’m going to miss Jensen

    Nice idea though.

  4. right-sized

    Wowowow GMBM cooking!! 

    Chychrun underperformed superstar expectations after the trade from Arizona but is still a BIG improvement for us. 

  5. MetalMan1973

    Wish you well Nick but this is an upgrade for us

  6. _Magnolia_Fan_

    The trade booking should include whatever blackmail we had to pull out.

  7. No_Maintenance_9608

    BMac in beast mode this offseason. Love this deal.

  8. ScottyEs_burner

    GMBM, You dirty dawg, you did it!!!

  9. Joshottas

    WHOAAAAAAAA! This is HUGE. GMBM ain’t playing around. Makes that top-4 that much better.

  10. goodleaf6

    GMBM cannot be stopped. Wheeling and dealing like a motherfucker.

  11. suburban_paradise

    This is a tremendous swap. Holy shit. GMBM must have dirt on some of these other GMs. One more piece at forward and we’re suddenly not just playing for the wild card. We’re a contender.

  12. beardyman22

    I still like Jensen a lot, but I’m shocked we pulled this off.

    I wonder if we’re offering up continued access to cap friendly for this as a handshake thing. It would explain the Thompson trade too.

  13. Dragunfli

    Nick is a good person but man he has been rough at defense for years. This is a great get.

    I have been very critical of GMBM for a while, but these offseason moves have been pretty damned great so far, minus PLD who I’m still not sold on.

  14. agave_badger

    Yoooo let’s go! Caps are making so many good moves!! Going to be an entirely new team by October wow!

  15. caps_and_Os_hon


    Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out Jensen.

  16. TheBarbieOfSeville

    I like the moves we are making so far this offseason. Getting Thompson, getting Mang, getting Chychrun

    Build this team up again

  17. MarylandThrowAwai

    This is great. I’m glad they’ve taken pressure off of Carlson and Lindgren this off-season

    My post 2 months ago:

    « I think the Caps covet Chychrun. If you already throw shade at Carlson, you’ll definitely dislike Chychrun, but we need more O from the D. Some sort of trade with Ottawa for him and Pinto I could see materializing »

  18. productivity56

    This is a dream come true for me lol. He was my favorite coyote so I’m thrilled. He’s a bit injury prone but when he’s on he’s a legitimate top pair defenceman. Reliable defensively and has a good offensive mind. At least he was in Arizona, admittedly I haven’t watched much of him since he left.

  19. captain_catman_

    As someone who cheered for the Arizona Coyotes before they got moved, this is an excellent pick up. He’s a strong physical defenseman with a mean slap shot. Contributes on offense and defense. Caps win this trade for sure

  20. Justbehepy

    Jensen was awesome. This trade is also awesome. Always sad to see a cap go regardless

  21. FatBoySpeaks

    Aggressive GMBM. Never thought I’d say that.

  22. spinorama29part2

    Just trying to get Ovi to the record MY ASS

  23. Status-Careful

    Anyone know anything about Roy the other guy?

  24. Demandedace

    Wow… If PLD can be half as good as he has the ability to be and gets his head out of his ass we are shaping up into a legit squad

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