@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Merci 91

Que votre maillot soit accroché aux chevrons dans 5 ans, plus grand joueur de l’histoire de la franchise et futur HOF’er. J’ai vu des joueurs aller et venir, mais cela fait très mal.



  1. Wayf4rer

    Regardless of the emotions of today, we have to remember was ultimately his decision in 2016 to stay here and set the tone for the entire team to turn us into winners. We all wanted him to retire here, but I’m happy he gets to go out on that goliath contract in Nashville. My only hope now is that Heddy takes a 4 year deal here and they can both retire the same year to get their banners raised together.

  2. Flyawaywithme1017

    Yeah, definitely hurts, but nothing we really could have done. We couldn’t touch that kind of contract. Wishing him the best of luck and look forward to retiring his jersey down the road.

  3. colorsofthewind94

    I am crushed, what a betrayal, I just have no words

  4. I’ll have the two pictures of Stammer holding the cup each time we won forever on my office walls.

    It’s a rough day even if I know the team got better in the long run.

  5. He’s was the life blood of this team. Scoresheet aside, how the fuck do you replace that

  6. BuildingLess1814

    This was the correct move.

    Hedman is next on the block, time to rebuild around Point and Kuch.

  7. LukeSkywalker1848

    No words. He’ll always be my captain.

  8. bouttohopintheshower

    Don’t downvote people that are obviously upset. We all saw it coming but it’s actually real now. 🙁

  9. BlocterDocterFocter

    JBB let Killer go without a return, and Stamkos go.

    There are many things I can’t understand with this leadership.

  10. Sundance12

    I’m not here to debate on whether it was a good move or not, but I am very sad either way

  11. Consistent-Diver-180

    Not mad. He deserves it. But it hurts. I’ll still wear my Stammer jersey with pride.

  12. I-am-the-best-Spy


    Love you Stamkos.

  13. PuRe_BlAcKhEaRt

    I hope he signs a 1 year deal at the end of his career with us. Just please let him retire a Bolt 🥲⚡️

  14. FalstaffsMind

    The deepest hole will be the loss of a great captain. Who wears the C now?

  15. I’ve felt this before: In 1975, the Rangers traded the most popular player in its history – goalie Eddie Giacomin. Just two days later, the Rangers played Detroit, Giacomin’s new team, and Eddie started in goal. Eddie was applauded from the start of the National Anthem on. Every time a Ranger touched the puck, the Garden fans boo-ed. The entire building was pulling for Eddie that night.

    I think it’s gonna be like that again.

    For the money he left on the table to help us get the Cups, for his leadership, for his class, I wish we could have given him the money Nashville’s giving him, but it would have been malpractice on JBB’s part to do so.

    That first home game vs. NSH is going to be nuts.

  16. NinjaTroll471

    Thinking about how excited mac was to be back. Damn 🙁

  17. King_Bum420

    The fact that he got a $8 million a year deal for four years from Nashville shows that they valued him more than we valued him and that just breaks my heart.

    And we gave $9 million a year to this Jake whatever his name is with a similar age. This is just a terrible day… one of the worst in Tampa sports history.

  18. Youralgebra3

    Came out of my job interview to the end of an era. I get it but dang it’s sad for sure. Wish him all the best.


  19. seanstep

    Jake for 7 years puts him 2 years older than what Stamkos is now when the contract is over…that’s 5 years of (likely) better production for similar dollars.

    As much as I’ll miss stammer, that’s a great move in terms of value.

  20. VegetableUsual2772

    Sad, but ultimately we could not afford to pay him what he wanted.

  21. thelogicbox

    At least he’s in the western conference and doesn’t have to pay state income tax

  22. 322vette

    Definitely don’t see Stamkos as an $8M/yr player at this time, but have to wonder what that number would have been on 7/1/23?

    Oh well – gotta let it go (eventually), but this team needs to be better this coming year than it has the last 2 years. Still work to do for JBB – sign Moser, dump Sheary, fire Blashill, add an enforcer, add another DMan who can actually play D.

  23. BurntBeanMgr

    91 & 4. The best captains the Bolts will ever have.

  24. Hawkzillaxiii

    I know I’m being petty but I won’t cheer for Jake, I hope he does well and puts points on the board for us but I won’t like him

  25. EndOrganDamage

    Stamkos is a beauty, loved watching him with TB. Sorry hes transitioning, your team will have future leaders and this creates an opportunity for them.

  26. ImmediateBoard8779

    Stamkos will always be my idol, no matter where he goes. The leadership, the kindness, and the empathy he showed for his team and our city will never be forgotten. A legacy on and off the ice. Forever our captain 🤍

  27. DoubleDutchBusPass

    Congrats on your first steps toward becoming a journeyman.

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