@Kings de Los Angeles

Célébrations de la finale de la Coupe Stanley des 30 dernières années

Il n’y a rien de tel que de célébrer une victoire en finale de la Coupe Stanley – découvrez les célébrations des 30 dernières années. Pour les dernières actions de hockey, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant ABONNEZ-VOUS. Regardez le hockey en direct où que vous soyez : https:// www.nhl.com/tv Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. I don’t think anyone in Canada would’ve ever thought that a video celebrating 30 Stanley Cup victories would feature no Canadien teams

  2. all of these years have featured Gary Bettman as the commissioner of the league
    not one of these teams winning came north of the border

  3. 2018 is forever etched in my mind! A beautiful run throughout culminating in Ovi finally getting the cup

  4. It's such an amazing feeling watching those final seconds tick down. Well except in 2009 when I had a damn near heart attack lol

  5. CONGRATULATIONS 🎊 TO ALL OF THESE TEAMS, Ottawa Senators, you have now have inspiration from Florida Panthers that never won the Stanley Cup and they Finally did, now is your turn, I have soooo much faith in Ottawa Senators, I am very optimistic, I know you can do it, I believe

  6. 2008, never forget that one. 14 years old at the time, my dad was at work that night. My late mom had to calm me down as I went crazy after Ozzie made that save. All just to be utterly heartbroken the next summer. Can’t wait to see the day when Larks hoists Lord Stanley over his head.

  7. Its sad that the Stanley cup has been so corrupted and absolutely NO ONE knows its true history in the United States. They do not knows its a British North American cup. NOT AMERICAN AT ALL.

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