@Canucks de Vancouver

[Zadorov] « Merci, Vancouver! »

[Zadorov] « Merci, Vancouver! »



  1. Ruilin96

    Based on this post alone, I don’t think he will throw shades at our organization in future interviews. Thanks for the memory Zad, it was nice while it lasted.

  2. Mountain_Apricot_567

    Got his bag, can’t blame the dude.  Will always have a soft spot for him, and will always respect him for calling out Putin.  Takes true courage.

  3. Sarcastic__

    One of the best 1 year runs with us ever.

  4. Dstraka93

    Sucks to see him go and especially to Boston. He will be missed

  5. De_Floppss

    No hard feelings, get paid big Z just fuck off when you play us eh

  6. happyherbivore

    Thanks for your work Zadorov, all the best

  7. TransomBob

    I look forward to Zadorov antagonizing the Maple Leafs for years to come.

  8. Thank YOU for not signing that alleged 5×5

  9. SpiritOfGas

    Very memorable player. Wish he could have stayed but it was the right move

  10. You gotta do what you gotta do to secure your family’s future with such short-lived, physically punishing careers.

  11. Young2k04

    Loved him, wish the Bruins gave him a 6×6 though cause fuck the bruins

  12. BigZaddy1944

    My username is in complete shambles! Gonna miss Big Zaddy, but also glad we didn’t give him a 6×5. 

  13. RocketAppliances97

    As much as I’m gonna hate playing against this man, I will never be upset about someone doing what’s best for them and their family. Get that bag Big Z, had an absolute blast watching you

  14. Honestly I’m just glad he left the conference because idk that I could hate Big Z. Instant fan favorite in such a short amount of time.

  15. JTMilleriswortha1st

    Goodbye Z hopefully he bullies the Leafs for years to come

  16. AccomplishedAd4995

    business aside, i absolutely loved him and would love to have him back on the team. everything from the timely goals he scored for us in the playoffs, the chirps to other teams and players, to his HUGE hits and fights. best of luck in boston 🥲

  17. Captain_JT_Miller

    Damn this sucks big Z. We need someone this season to make us forget.

  18. leftlanecop

    What a class act. Can’t fault him for taking care of his family first. He gave everything the the short time he was here. Absolutely worth the trades at the deadline!

  19. BatmanSpiderman

    I just don’t understand why we cannot match that? He wants to sign with us, why can’t we match that?

  20. PuzzleheadedHand5441

    FUCK!!! This pisses me the fuck off. God damnit. I understand it’s not our fault or his for that matter, each party is doing the best for their side. But fuck man. I really liked this guy and it was so badass having an absolute animal behind Hughes. Him and Soucy were such a calming mechanism. Particularly loved when he bitched around Evander Kane in the playoffs.

    God this feels like I got fucked in the ass and it sucks. I hope we get another monster like him at some point. H

  21. WolfOfPort


    Its like finding out my parents are getting divorced but worse

  22. PTCruiserApologist

    This team just lost a whole lotta personality 🥲

  23. Rycecube

    Always will be a Z fan and will root for him.

  24. Blackhole_5un

    Classy dude with real character. Go get em Zaddy, you’ll be missed. You earned some nice stability and a good paycheck, hope you enjoy New England.

  25. Van_3000

    I wouldn’t have minded giving him the extra year. This one hurts a bit.

  26. bleedblue4

    I am super glad we did not give him that contact but man what a year.

  27. mmavcanuck

    Dude played well enough in the playoffs to get the July first overpay. Happy for him, happy the Canucks didn’t pay it.

    Good luck in boston Z.

  28. ChuckFeathers

    This guy is class, have a feeling his loss will be one this org. regrets.

  29. vaneagle

    Will always love this man for his stance on Ukraine. I also felt he was our best defenceman this past playoffs.

  30. Megavore97

    Big Z is a beauty and props to him for securing the bag with another team (even if it’s the Bruins *gags*). Loved having him here and at least he and Lindy are in the Eastern conference so we only play them twice a year.

  31. infinitez_

    Z stole my heart in his short season with us, gonna miss him so much. But also happy for him, he’s a great person and deserved a big pay day. Gonna hurt to see him in a Boston jersey but I’ll always have a soft spot for him.

  32. Sweaty-Salad95

    Sad to see him go! I was at his first game as a Canuck 🥰

  33. canucks84

    Don’t be sad because it’s over, be happy that it happened.

  34. CurrentBusy5705

    I feel he’s like Kuzy that wherever he goes he’ll always be one of the fan favs in Van. No hard feelings whatsoever. Best of luck Z

  35. BlastMyLoad

    I’m choked. At least it’s not a pacific division team.

  36. Probably the best half season run I’ve seen from a canuck

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