@Blues de Saint-Louis

Le héros local Pat Maroon signe avec Chicago

Le héros local Pat Maroon signe avec Chicago



  1. BlueRFR3100

    Why, Pat, why?

    1.3 million.

    Ok, I get it.

  2. jase122200

    Fucker. Joins Ryan O’Reilly and Sunny (briefly) in the cup winner to division rival pipeline

  3. live-by-die-by

    3rd and final cup, with that decision.

  4. EliteVors

    Will still always have love for the big rig

  5. christ0fer

    So I guess he didn’t want to retire that badly after all.

  6. STLBooze3

    Pat is gonna go down on the winter classic

  7. Don’t hate on Pat, he’s like David Carridine in Kung Fu… he just wanders the NHL, helping people where he’s needed most.

  8. gabriel197600

    C’Mon Big Rig! I don’t want to root against you but you’re giving me no choice here man! I draw the line at fucking Chicago. Big Rig I hope you run out of gas this year, hah. Refill and come back home where you belong!

  9. xDANxxTHExxMANx

    I’m shocked anyone offered him a contract

  10. Ok-Reputation-2266

    Is he going through all the teams blues fans hate? Gonna go to Detroit next

  11. PurifiedVenom

    The Wild to Boston to Chicago. Come on man lol

  12. PleasantGrass4623

    crap. Now i will have to root for the hawks.

  13. mrbmi513

    He couldn’t stand being away from Panger for so long.

  14. mjohnson1971

    Who? Because I hear that name + « Chicago Blackhawks » and nothing computes for me now.

    Did he do something special? Is he from anywhere I should know?

  15. HonorTheAllFather

    You know what? It’s better than him being a Bruin.

  16. MidnightMateor

    Man, Doug Armstrong shit all over him while he was here and he really did say « fuck it, I’m going to play for all your rivals ».

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