@Predators de Nashville

Stamkos, Marchessault et Skjei terminés

Cuisine bébé cuisine



  1. MusicCityJayhawk

    Gimme Stephenson for the 2C and we are good to go!

  2. Zealousideal-Bet7961

    Holy fucking shit this is incredible

  3. tbiblaine23

    This is great I’m a little worried about 3 years from now but hopefully it doesn’t come back to bite us

  4. Clovis_Winslow

    WTF did this come from?! Im not complaining… I don’t even know WHAT I think yet.

    EDIT: Here’s what I think: Barry saw Florida outlast Edmonton and thought “what’s the point of spending 5 years building a team from scratch, only to get beat by the right combination of veterans and momentum?”

    So he said fuck it and pushed all the buttons. Our window is once again WIDE the fuck open, lads & lasses.

  5. Surely Carrier is gone now right? There were rumblings that maybe he will stay after all but I can’t imagine we can afford to outbid the market to keep him

  6. SpeakNowAndEnter

    Commented it elsewhere, but this explains why we traded Egor after he wanted a guarantee of NHL ice time this year lol

    Also this probably all but means Cody Glass is gone 🥲

  7. FrankieOnPCP420p

    I’m not a Preds fan but Trotz is one of my favorite coaches of all time. After today he is also one of my favorite GMs of all time.

  8. ConBurgundy15

    Forget just cooking, Trotz got a Michelin Star

  9. ThisisgettingoldTedD

    Oh guess I’ll put away my rebuild hat and take out the “we all in baby” hat from the closet

  10. Vast_Analysis_2035

    Wow…I guess we’re trying to be good for a few years, and then very, very bad. We’ll have $26 mil tied up in 35+ players in 2027, but we just added about 100 goals to the team in a single day. Big swing.

  11. KaleidoscopeOk1346

    Uhhhh and do we STILL have Askarov?

  12. LawyerDaggett

    I remember when we signed Paul Kariya and how exciting that was. This brings me back to that day.

  13. BlueMonk0

    Stamoks to 38
    Marchessault to 38
    Skjei to 37

    lets hope we get some good mileage in the next 2-3 years yall

  14. kjframe1223

    GM DP… I love you but you would have NEVER done this kind of culinary achievement.

  15. bicismypen

    VGK fan coming in peace. We were linked heavy to Stamkos in lieu of resigning Marchie.

    I’ll be cheering far away for Marchie. From a sentimental point of view, I wish he retired a Knight. You guys just went all in, Predators are now my “when we get eliminated team to cheer for”.

    Anyway. Someone is cutting onions.

  16. epicchili

    I don’t know what to say but I was here

  17. Capnfrost

    I’m very new to hockey fandom so know very few non-Predators players. Can someone explain to me in football terms what just happened.

  18. majordoobage

    Well I was on the rebuild with Askarov train but after these moves I’m happy with our plan. Still have a lot of draft capital as well. Present and future looks bright.

  19. bcsmith317

    Amazing what happens when they ditched Poile’s fax machine and gave Trotz a couple smart phones.

  20. This has to be the biggest free agency in preds history maybe even all time right?

  21. TalkingChairs

    And we didn’t give up draft picks or prospects to make this happen.

  22. gilgaladxii

    We got old really fast. Im super optimistic, but I do wonder how our age swinging to old affects the team. Less opportunities for our young guys. But… they get to develop under super star names. Let’s go Preds.

  23. Rudmonton


  24. Between the Titans and now the Preds, this city is free agent mad

  25. methodtan

    3 year window to win a cup is clear. Better get season tix while you have your pick

  26. TheKid_BigE

    What a fucking amazing haul for Trotz, Juice resigned, Askarov, Stammer, Marchy and Skjei LET’S FUCKING GO!!!!

  27. TheOriginalJez

    30,33 and 34. So we have to do it *now*. The fact we’re paying them all premium money into their late 30s concerns me

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