@Capitals de Washington

Que pensez-vous des récentes acquisitions des Caps ?

Que pensez-vous des récentes acquisitions des Caps ?



  1. Pretty much confirms Oshie is gone LTIR. Only way they can get under the cap unless they are trading someone away for picks

  2. Leesburgcapsfan

    So one huge gamble and a couple of 3rd/4th liners on offense. I’m not excited about Offense.

    Going to be very curious to see how the legit defensive additions are goin to be paired up.

  3. FlashMan1981

    We have, at least in talent, separated ourselves from the bottom half of the Metro. we should make the playoffs, and not squeaking in at 8.

  4. hypno_jam

    Someone showed GMBM how to actually use Cap Friendly after the PLD trade.

  5. MetalMan1973

    I think GMBM did a really good job addressing multiple areas of need

  6. suburban_paradise

    We have a new team, pretty much. I’m not certain it’s a better team, yet, but it’s new.

  7. Special-Bite

    Excited to see if Carberry can pull it all together into a winning team. Glad that we have upgraded D and might have scoring options other than Ovechkin.

  8. thenatureboyWOOOOO

    Love it. No expectations for the team to be good next year so we’re rolling the dice. If it works that’s awesome, if not life will go on.

    So many sports franchises are content with playing it safe, i respect the gamble.

  9. Thedirtyside

    Definitely a like, finally not going to be one of the oldest groups out there. Interested how this will look on ice with so many changes

  10. CapsGoGoGo

    Let’s see what Carbery can do with this group. I hope Ovi has some life in him this year from the get go

  11. TheBarbieOfSeville

    i like it
    i love it
    i want some more of it

  12. Appropriate_Net7957

    It’s unbelievable how much better we’ve gotten since last week. This team is a couple of minor tweaks away from being able to make a legitimate playoff run, imo.

  13. ASadSeaman

    The PLD signing is intriguing, I hope he finally gets it together here but my hopes aren’t incredibly high. Love Mangi, Chychrun and Roy signings/trades. LT is an interesting one, was thinking maybe they’d get Shep some NHL time but it looks like thats gonna wait.

  14. Modano9009

    This is the first summer in forever they were able to make significant roster changes instead of just adding peripheral pieces to core that can’t get it done anymore.

    I feel good about this. They’ve needed to reload the roster for a long time now and were finally able to do it now that there’s clarity on where Kuznetsov, Backstom and, I assume, Oshie stand.

  15. Hoxtilicious

    Unreal that the caps pulled a Chychrun-Roy pairing out of thin air. Very jealous as a Sens fan

  16. MetalMan1973

    Gonna take awhile to learn all the new numbers

  17. apedosmike

    This is the rare successful rebuild-on-the-fly actually happening. BMAC and RossM are killing it. If it works out with these guys and with a few tweaks here and there there really won’t be much of a down period post-Ovi.

  18. Foreign_Cup2877

    Hopefully luc debois does something with the caps. He didn’t to shit with the kings.

    Hopefully he’s not another paciorety pick up.

    All the other acquisitions look good. Have to see it on the ice now. Hopefully in preseason.

  19. MrYeaBuddy

    I’m very interested in seeing how Carbery makes it all work. As others have stated, this looks really good on paper and addresses a lot of needs (defense 🙏), but hopefully the chemistry is there too.

  20. captain_catman_

    Id say awesome pick ups! And miles ahead of last offseason’s moves

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