@Rangers de New York

[Walker] Citation complète du président et directeur général du NYR, Chris Drury, sur la situation de Jacob Trouba :

"Jacob joue dur tous les soirs, il nous apporte beaucoup de leadership. Jacob sait ce que je pense de lui en tant que personne et en tant que joueur et je vais garder toutes les conversations privées que j’ai avec lui ou son agent privées. Nous cherchons toujours à faire avancer l’équipe et à être la meilleure équipe possible. Je ne vais pas passer en revue joueur par joueur, qui sera là, qui ne sera pas là. Nous essayons simplement de faire de notre mieux pendant l’intersaison et de faire de notre mieux pour le camp d’entraînement."




  1. 09-24-11

    This is why I can’t stand r/hockey and their obsession with captaincy. Drury is putting the TEAM first and not the one with a C. That’s how it has to be no matter what.

    Troubas right to exercise his NTC but it’s Drurys JOB to make this team better.

    It won’t always add up nicely. Need to make the difficult decisions

  2. Brocktarrr

    Basically confirming he’s gone and making it obvious Trouba and his agent are the ones leaking and making things messy

  3. Key-Tip-7521

    Translation: Hes gone. This has to end. Seriously. Enough is enough. If Trouba didn’t have that contract given by the previous Gm, none of this would be happening

  4. TechnicalRust00

    Can we please just put him on waivers already? He’s a bad NHL defenseman, and he is actively hurting the team right now during a crucial moment in free agency. What’s more important? Putting together a cup contending team, or catering to the needs of a guy that actively costs them games?

  5. labinnac_esproc_02

    His paintings bout to be some hardcore shiiiit

  6. Superrandy

    Just wait until we move him and spend the money on another aging winger and defender and then throw our arms up when it fails to move the needle again.

  7. StyllAhlie

    It just sucks this trade wasn’t made this morning. Now the top free agents left are Jeff skinner, Tarasenko, and Oliver Kylington or a washed Brodie on d… the cap savings of $5.5 if we still retain the 2.5 does nothing for us this year unless there’s another trade in the cards. It would be more for next year’s cap crunch, but at that point may as well just hold onto him till the deadline or next off-season and get a better return/not have to give up assets to move him.

  8. nyrangerz30

    If Drury is being this non-committal about it, he better have the stones to waive him if a trade can’t be figured out.

  9. Eire4ever

    Dreary needs to make hockey trades to reconfigure this roster for present and future. Trouba and Breads deals are off the books in 2 years (if not sooner for #8)

  10. ExistingStrength5246

    He wants us to be soft as a team. Reaves (physical player) gone, now our heavy hitter defender gonna be gone. He is an idiot

  11. International-Okra79

    That statement is about as vague as humanly possible.

  12. PeteyG89

    If no trade can get done just buy him out. 4.5m saved for next two seasons, 2m for two more seasons and then its DONE. What was the rumor with Detroit, Rangers would retain 5.5 or something like that? This saves more. Just do it

  13. Signal_Wall_8445

    I was someone who usually felt people were too hard on Trouba because of the contract.

    This year, however, his decision making regressed to the types of things that when Miller did them a few years ago, we said “that’s because he’s pretty new to defense and doesn’t have the defensive instincts yet”.

  14. R4vi0981

    I wonder where Brooks got the idea Trouba would be moved indefinitely.

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