@Blue Jackets de Columbus

D Cole Clayton a signé un contrat d’entrée d’un an

D Cole Clayton a signé un contrat d’entrée d’un an



  1. Looks like a big body, which Waddell apparently likes. Other than that any Monsters fans able to advise on this guy?

  2. DWill23_

    We also signed Owen Sillinger (Cole’s brother) to an entry level deal

  3. titanup1993

    .339 PPG player. 20 points in only 59 games played. 6’2” RD. Not a bad prospect

  4. OhioNHLHockeyFan2489

    Still like to see them reunite with Blanks….after he tests the market maybe it’s not much, all heart and leadership, a 1 year, 2 way deal is not an issue & could be great for depth.

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